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Various elements of society are calling for rejecting FPI


Reject FPIBy: Moch. Irfandi)*

The urge dissolution of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) echoed. Earlier in Gedung Sate Bandung, 25thousands of people demanded the dissolution of FPI and the next is dissolution of FPI came from hundreds of Central Kalimantan, Dayak people who are members of the Indigenous Peoples Forum Dayak Kalimantan (Formad KT).

By using custom clothing complete with headband and lawung or dayak typical weapon in the form of saber and lance, hundreds Dayak and various other organizations Palangkaraya packed the large roundabout which is a dense traffic area.

In the action, they also unfurled banners as the action attribute. Several banners of them reading “Disband FPI government,” and “Disband FPI. We reject FPI on Earth Tambun Bungai, NKRI and Pancasila Price Off”.

In the claims recited protest coordinator who is also Chairman Formad KT, Bachtiar Effendi, the Dayak Kalimantan agreed to reject radicalism in Indonesia, especially in Kalimantan. In addition, they also agreed to reject the FPI and other organizations that can divide tribes or anti-Pancasila into the province is nicknamed Earth Tambun Bungai.

Protesters assess the presence of FPI in the country could threaten the unity of tribes and ethnic groups in Indonesia. Therefore, they demanded and urged the government to dissolve organizations headquartered in Petamburan those from Indonesia. The Dayak Kalimantan, said Bachtiar, even ready to be in the frontline in helping the government disband the FPI.

Earlier, Indonesia Down Society Movement (GMBI) held a demonstration demanding the dissolution of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). The action was held in around Gedung Sate, Bandung. This time GMBI join other masses of around 12 organizations and NGOs. Among other things, namely, Laskar Garuda, Defenders of Homeland Unity (Concentrated), as well as a number of people who claimed to students from Cirebon, West Java. Massa GMBI also no charge from Bandung Area Only. District Chairman of the NGO GMBI Bogor district, Sambas Alam via short message stating of Bogor departing 400an mass.

Like the demonstrations in general, demands action usually written in the action attribute. The demonstrators carrying banners that read, among other things ‘Disband FPI Soon’, ‘Support In the West Java Police chief Rizieq Shihab Law Enforcement Process’, and ‘Students Support Disband insults Cirebon Culture & breaking Pancasila’.

Observing the amount of echo reject FPI action, we as citizens of Indonesia is certainly obliged to keep Indonesia remained the ideology of Pancasila, so that if there are unscrupulous individuals and organizations who stand without the principle of Pancasila, shall we resist collectively. If instead of us as citizens of Indonesia who defend Pancasila, who else?

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