The story of School Burning Terror in Palangka Raya
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS - In the last of July, people of Central Kalimantan, especially in Palangka Raya were shocked by the news of School burning terror. There were 8 elementary…
The Irrigation Clogged: The Agriculture Decreased
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS - The irrigation channel in Luwuk Kanan village, Tasik Payawan sub-district, is clogged. This is caused by the limitation of tools and costs, and then, the…
Gambut Land for Agriculture
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Land in the province of Central Kalimantan mostly is peat soil (Gambut Land). The existence of Gambut lands becomes conversation since the fire land and forest…
Insurance for Fisherman in Sukamara Regency
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Health guarantee or health insurance need to have by the entire community of Indonesia. Moreover, health guarantee on health insurance has been involve to…
Threats From the Border
By: Sandy Arifin)*
The current focus of Jokowi's government is to realize the real, sustainable and increasing development of the Indonesian nation. It is being realized through various…
Boats As The Water Transportation Need To Bring Life Jacket
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – Many rivers in Province of Central Kalimantan make some of people used boat as the transportation vehicle. It also supported by there is no road on some areas…
About Rohingya: Talk Less Action More
By: Sandy Arifin)*
The conflict in Myanmar has captured the attention community of the world. The massacre occurred against the muslim ethnic, Rohingya who were not recognized as citizens.…
4 areas in Central Kalimantan Province are the most dangerous of Forest Fire
By: Choirul Fuadi)*
CIDISS – In the last of 2015, Central Kalimantan Province had forest fire and land. Since that disaster, government through Agency for Disaster and Fire Agency (BPBPK),…
据法庭文件,美国有关部门在加利福尼亚州逮捕了中国籍人士Yu Pingan,并指控其向黑客提供恶意软件,这些软件被用于入侵美国多家大公司,同时与2015年美国联邦政府人事管理办公室(U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 简称OPM)被盗逾2,000万份文件有关联。
在受到全球学术界的抨击后,剑桥大学出版社(Cambridge University Press)计划重新发表其中国网站此前应中国政府要求而屏蔽的数百篇文章。…