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Become a Wise and Smart Voter with a Hoax Opposition for the Success of National Leadership Sustainability


By: Saiful Imam *

Lately, especially in the lead up to the 2019 general election, cyberspace is filled with the circulation of hoaxes or hoaxes. Of course this is very troubling and causes a climate of unhealthy competition.

The rise of hoax news that circulated made Indonesian people caught up in a dirty fight of political elites who ran for people’s representatives. This made the Indonesian people split and finally marginalized unity. This certainly cannot be tolerated.

If left unchecked, the ideals of a 2019 election that is fair and dignified will never be created and only a discourse. It is feared that the national leadership sustainability program will not run well and efficiently.

That is why from now on the Indonesian people are encouraged to go down and fight fake news or hoaxes that are spread in the virtual world that every day we access in our hands.

Let us spread the prayers and positive content in social media for the hope that the 2019 Election will run peacefully with quality and dignity so that the sustainability of national leadership can be successful and national development that is intensively implemented can be continued.

One way to fight hoaxes in circulation is to foster a critical attitude within us. When the critical nature has grown, then in the future we will easily compare the original news and fake news. Growing critical character is very dependent on our high reading interest. If we really want to have a critical nature in ourselves, we must be diligent and not lazy in reading all the news that comes to our software.

When reading interest, critical nature, and willingness to fight hoaxes are truly mastered, we will be able to become wise voters in this 2019 election title and the sustainability of national leadership will truly be realized with success and peace.

*) Pontianak netizens

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