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BIN Consistently Distributes Aid to Cianjur Earthquake Victims


By : Lisa Pamungkas )*

The State Intelligence Agency never remains silent when Indonesia is grieving. When Cianjur was hit by an earthquake, the Humanitarian Team from BIN continued to consistently distribute aid to earthquake victims. This proves that BIN has a commitment to always be at the forefront in maintaining public safety.

The arrival of BIN has touched the people affected by the earthquake, this is because BIN has provided logistical assistance which is really needed to survive, from from groceries, medicines, children’s food, pads to baby diapers. The logistics is assistance from the association of wives of BIN members who are members of the Divia Cita Wife Association.

            In addition to logistical assistance, BIN also mobilized assistance with a medical team that is part of BIN’s Medical Intelligence (MI), this was done because medical services were crucial for the earthquake victims.

            BIN also provided door-to-door health services to earthquake victims in Pameunguk Village, Cijedil, Cugenang, Cianjur Regency.

            assistance aims to help victims in areas where adequate health services have not been reached due to the cut off road access and the lack of accommodation facilities for the community.

            Head of the BIN Medical Intelligence (MI) Doctor Team, dr. Sri Wulandari said that MI was here to help earthquake victims who had limited access to health facilities.

            To anticipate the possible level of vulnerability to the victim’s health, the MI BIN Team has prepared an ambulance unit, 2 medical personnel and 7 trained medical personnel. His party also provides supporting drugs so that people are not worried and anxious when carrying out ongoing treatment.

            MI BIN’s door to door health services also received a positive response from the victims. The community admits that they feel helped because currently health services are still difficult to obtain, especially in areas that are not reached by the health team.

            The assistance distributed by BIN is expected to ease the burden on earthquake survivors in Cianjur. BIN will also continue to coordinate with relevant stakeholders to facilitate this humanitarian action.

            Meanwhile BIN also applied the Disaster Intelligence System (SIBe) at the Cianjur earthquake disaster site. The system developed by BIN’s Research and Development Center (Puslitbang) is capable of monitoring, collecting data, and presenting important information related to disaster management to serve as material for decision makers and volunteers in the field.

            Head of BIN Research and Development Center, Armi Susandi said that this was the first time an application like this had been operated in the country, similar applications were rarely developed by experts in the world.

            SIBe developed by BIN is expected will be a very useful application for the humanitarian team from BIN in carrying out disaster management missions anywhere in the future.

            A number of interesting features of SIBe include mapping of hazard zones, vulnerabilities, response capacity and earthquake risk which can describe a disaster situation in detail.

            In addition, the BIN Research and Development Center also installed an Automatic Weather Station ( AWS) on SIBe so that it is directly connected to the SIBe main server system at BIN Headquarters. This is useful for ensuring the accuracy of weather prediction information in supporting the success of relief operations in disaster-affected areas.

            SIBe is also able to analyze hoax information that has developed among refugees and the community at the location of the incident through a survey. This survey is carried out routinely with the BIN network in the regions, in this case the West Java BINDA for the earthquake that occurred in Cianjur at this time.   

            Head of Cijedil Village, Puhidin expressed his appreciation for the door to door health services carried out by MI BIN.

            Puhidin hopes that the outreach of these services can continue to be increased, bearing in mind that there are still villages or areas where the health team has not been able to visit.

            On another occasion, Budi Gunawan as Head of BIN Jend Purn (Pol) Budi Gunawan hopes that the first digital application in the disaster area can help disaster management operations anywhere.

            Through this application, it is hoped that the post-disaster handling process can take place effectively, and the various impacts it causes can be minimized, both for refugees and volunteers.

            Of course, the various efforts made by BIN should be appreciated. BIN is not only tasked with maintaining security, but also responding to natural disasters by mobilizing all its personnel to help earthquake victims.

            Apart from providing assistance both logistically, health and psychologically, BIN also innovates with SIBe which assists volunteers in providing measurable and efficient assistance.

            BIN has shown its consistency as a state institution that takes a role in disaster management. Various assistance and innovations made by BIN to help earthquake victims are proof that the state is present to provide assistance to anyone in need.

)* Author is contributor Press Circle and students cikini

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