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For the Success of the 2019 Election and the Sustainability of National Leadership, Warganet Must Unite Against the Hoax


By: Mega Kumalasari *

The increasing role of social media in the community should be used for positive things, such as to disseminate good content. However, it turns out that there are some parties who use social media to spread information that contains fake news or hoaxes.

With the rise of social media usage such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and WhatsApp, fake news has become viral faster and is growing in the community. This is certainly very troubling considering the 2019 election event will be held in April.

Concurrent elections in 2019 are a very important agenda for the people of Indonesia. Those who will be elected as people’s representatives in the seat of government will lead the Indonesian people for the next five years.

Therefore, as dignified citizens we must participate in reducing the news of hoaxes that spread in cyberspace. If we are able to distinguish intelligently between original and fake news, then we have participated in developing Indonesia towards a more advanced and good direction.

Reducing hoax news aims to create a 2019 election that is peaceful, dignified and qualified. In order not to tarnish the values ​​of democracy in Indonesia and the sustainability of the national leadership to run better as we hoped.

For the sake of the success of the 2019 election, let’s unite to reduce hoaxes !! Use voting rights intelligently and do not abstain and let us succeed in the sustainability of national leadership to ensure the sustainability of national development.

*) Online Business Entrepreneurs in Banyuwangi

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