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All Elements Support the Acceleration of Papuan Development


By : Ronald Owens )*

The development of Papua is one of the main priorities of the Indonesian government in its efforts to improve community welfare and reduce disparities between regions in Indonesia. In order to achieve this goal, all elements of the nation and elements of society play an active role in supporting the acceleration of Papua’s development. Successful development in Papua will realize equal distribution of prosperity, increase economic growth and absorb labor.

The welfare of the Papuan people is the most important thing, therefore the government together with all stakeholders and elements of society are working together to improve the welfare of the Papuan people. The development of Papua is the government’s priority to achieve equitable development in order to realize a golden Indonesia 2045.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri), John Wempi Wetipo, said the government continues to consistently oversee the acceleration of development in the Papua Mountain Province. Through strategic steps to facilitate budget allocations, budget shifts, and changes to the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for the Papua Mountain Province, it is hoped that development in the Papua Mountain Province can run smoothly and meet the needs of the local community.

Papua, with its abundant natural wealth, has great potential to become a developed and prosperous region. However, the challenges faced in Papua’s development cannot be underestimated. Problems with limited infrastructure, limited access to basic services such as education and health, as well as social conflicts that occur in several areas are obstacles in efforts to accelerate Papua’s development.

To overcome this challenge, the Indonesian government has involved all elements of the nation in supporting the accelerated development of Papua. One of the steps taken is to involve the Papuan people directly in the development process. Through the Special Autonomy program, the government gives Papuan regional governments the authority to manage natural resources and development in their own territory. This provides an opportunity for the Papuan people to play an active role in the development of their region.

Meanwhile, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin, said that the government continues to pay special attention to regions in the eastern region of Indonesia, especially Papua because there is still limited access to education, health services and social inequality. The government continues to pay special attention to development in the Papua region by accelerating development and expanding basic services for the Papuan people. Apart from that, the government also continues to intervene to fulfill basic needs in Papua, one of which is by establishing a Papua development steering body.

Furthermore, development in Papua is focused on the fields of education, health, and economic empowerment of local communities and security so that it can provide real benefits for indigenous Papuans. These programs are expected to reduce inequality between regions in Indonesia and increase national economic growth.

Apart from that, the government has also taken steps to improve infrastructure in Papua. Construction of roads, ports and airports has been carried out to expand accessibility to remote areas in Papua. By increasing accessibility, the Papuan people can more easily access basic services such as education and health which in turn can increase the competency of Human Resources in the land of Papua.

All elements of society also play an active role in supporting the acceleration of Papua’s development. Various civil society organizations, such as non-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations, have carried out various programs to improve the quality of life of the Papuan people. These programs include education, health, economic development and community empowerment.

Apart from that, the Papuan people also play a role in maintaining peace and stability in their region. In recent years, efforts at reconciliation and dialogue between groups involved in social conflicts have been carried out. This helps create a conducive environment for development in Papua.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Manokwari Regency Forestry Service, Erents Ngabalin, said that development in Papua is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the responsibility of all citizens. Apart from that, young people must also play an important role in various aspects, including economic, development and social as well as in developing the Papua region towards a golden Indonesia in 2045.

Furthermore, the acceleration of Papua’s development is also supported by the private sector. Many private companies invest in Papua, especially in the mining and energy sectors. This investment not only provides economic benefits for the Papuan people, but also provides job opportunities and improves the skills of the local community. So that indigenous Papuan people will be able to get a positive impact from the role of the private sector in opening up job opportunities in the private sector to improve the economy in the Papua region.

In supporting the accelerated development of Papua, it is important for all elements of the nation to work together and support each other. The government, society and the private sector need to work together to formulate sustainable and inclusive development policies. Apart from that, it is also important to involve the Papuan people directly in the development process, so that they can have an active role and feel the benefits of the development being carried out.

In facing the challenges of Papua’s development, strong commitment is needed from all elements of the nation. The development of Papua is not an easy task, but with the cooperation and support of all parties, sustainable and inclusive development in Papua can be realized so that it can improve all aspects of the Papua region in order to realize equitable development towards a golden Indonesia 20245.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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