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All parties acknowledge that Papua is an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia


Papua, a region rich in cultural and natural diversity, is an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). As Indonesia’s easternmost province, Papua has a strategic role in realizing Indonesia’s vision as a strong and united country. However, along with its wealth, Papua also faces various challenges that require attention and wise solutions from the central government and the Papuan people themselves.
The importance of maintaining the integrity of Papua as an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia has become the main focus in various government policies. Efforts to strengthen the sovereignty, welfare and empowerment of the Papuan people continue to be made. The Papuan people also have high nationalism and do not want to be invited to become independent. So that Papua’s status as a province in Indonesia is legal and cannot be questioned by unscrupulous individuals.
Papua’s cultural diversity is an important asset for Indonesia. The diversity of tribes, languages and traditions in Papua shows a rich cultural heritage that needs to be preserved and appreciated. The government has committed to protecting and promoting this cultural diversity as part of a rich national identity.
Indonesian Interfaith Young Exponents (EMLI Indonesia) reminded that Papua is part of the Indonesian nation. This is in response to what recently happened on Earth of Cenderawasih.
Secretary of EMLI Indonesia, Viktus Murin, explained that Papua is actually an integral part of the country of the Proclamation of 17 August 1945. From an international law perspective, this is in accordance with the principle of uti possidentis juris.
Papua, which was part of the Netherlands Indies, was also liberated on August 17 1945. Thus, since Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesian independence, Papua has become part of the Republic of Indonesia.
He reminded that the Determination of Popular Opinion (PEPERA) on August 2 1969, the results of which were ratified by the United Nations in Resolution 2504 (XXIV) of the General Assembly, was a reaffirmation of the attitude of the Papuan people regarding self-determination, to ensure the status of the western part of Papua Island becomes Indonesia, and not the Netherlands.
The Papuan people are very proud to be part of Indonesia because they feel that Papua is an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia, forever. Even though Papua only became part of Indonesia in 1963, its people are very pro-Indonesian. They are not willing to be invited to defect by the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST).
The government also emphasized that it would never hold negotiations with KST Papua regarding the group’s request to liberate Bumi Cenderawasih from the Republic of Indonesia. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH. Ma’ruf Amin emphasized that the demands put forward by KST Papua were completely irrelevant.
He also said that the actions carried out by the terrorist separatist group could not represent the problems on Earth of Cenderawasih at all, but only a handful of certain groups.
Commander of Kodam (Pangdam) XVII/Cenderawasih, Major General TNI Izak Pangemanan also emphasized that the Land of Papua is an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia. The United Nations (UN) closed the decolonization of Papua on May 1, 1963.
In this way, the easternmost region of Indonesia is an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, he invites us to work together to maintain conduciveness and security in the Land of Papua so that development can be implemented and felt by the entire community.
It is hoped that the public will no longer trust certain groups that are still trying to separate Papua from the Republic of Indonesia. Because activities involving the issue of ‘Free Papua’ carried out by a certain group of individuals are only for their personal and group interests, and are far from the interests of society at large.
A Papuan youth figure who is also the Chair of the Mandala Trikora Youth, Ali Kabiay, said that the integration of Papua into the Republic of Indonesia is a way and a gift from God, so it is appropriate for all parties to protect it as well as possible.
So far, Ali views the high intensity of President Jokowi’s visit to Papua as showing the government’s love for the land of Papua. This love, he continued, is shown by the government’s focus on development in eastern Indonesia, such as the capital city of the archipelago, Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua.
Ali also believes that the KST action not only hampers development in Papua, but also destroys the development that has been carried out so far by the government.

So, if there is still a campaign on the issue of colonialism in Papua which continues to be carried out by activists and supporters of West Papuan independence such as the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) led by Benny Wenda and the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) led by Agus Kossay, in the world It is believed that it will not have a significant influence because almost all countries in the world recognize that Papua is an integral part of Indonesia.
Almost 99.5% of governments in the world recognize and respect the integrity of Indonesia, and emphasize that Papua is part of the Republic of Indonesia. Ultimately, safeguarding Papua as an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia is not only the government’s responsibility, but the collective responsibility of all Indonesian people. By understanding the importance of maintaining diversity, strengthening development, and increasing prosperity in Papua, we can ensure that Papua remains an inseparable part of our big home, Indonesia.

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