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AMANAH Program Promotes Local Cultural Values ​​in Fashion Training


The Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) program promotes local cultural values ​​in various approaches, including training in the world of fashion for young people.

The promotion of cultural values ​​from each region in Indonesia has been an effort by the government through the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) so far to make local cultural values ​​of regions in the country even able to become very famous and global.

Moreover, it is not an easy matter to make this happen, in order to continue to elevate the local cultural values ​​of the region so that they become famous and even global, there needs to be the right approach, as well as the right carrier agents, just like young people.

Meanwhile, to be able to approach the nation’s future young generation at this time, there must also be an understanding and knowledge of how to create something that can attract their interest or hearts, one of which is by providing training in the world or fields they are interested in, such as fashion.

No half-hearted, even the training that AMANAH provides is able to bring many positive benefits, including one of which is training the participants so that they have a distinctive characteristic or DNA in the brand they create, so that the business that young people develop is easily embedded in their minds. the consumer.

There is a lot of inspiration and empowerment efforts that the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great Program has carried out in empowering young people in the area nicknamed Negeri Rencong.

AMANAH is indeed holding a series of activities aimed at introducing the history and culture of Aceh through fashion, with the theme ‘The Reign of Sultan – The Great Story from Aceh’ which highlights the glory of Sultan Iskandar Muda.

There are also private classes for selected participants, which not only focus on theory, but also on how to practice, requiring young people to create designs according to the theme that the committee has determined.

This clearly indicates that the training in the AMANAH Program was led by the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan does not just theoretically, but concretely teaches young people to take action.

The entire young generation of the nation’s successors from Aceh received a lot of guidance from very experienced mentors. According to one of the mentors from the Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC), Ali Charisma, the training from Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul dan Besar was very useful in training the participants so that they had their own characteristics or DNA as designers.

The mentors really want the young people to have a strong theme and clear characteristics or brand DNA. So that way, their designs will reflect their respective personalities and backgrounds, mainly containing local cultural values ​​in Aceh.

Not only that, the participants directly drew, cut out the pattern and then handed the pattern to the embroidery craftsman for follow-up. The other eight fashion designer participants did not use embroidery for the looks of their designs but used songket cloth and wastra batik, so the handling of clothes between fashion designers was different.

Meanwhile, another mentor, Riri Rengganis, hopes that the participants can make the most of this opportunity. Moreover, the material that the mentors provide in AMANAH training is very solid, so that the knowledge they convey is equivalent to material in the world of lectures.

How the efforts of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) through the Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great Central Building to continue to elevate local cultural values ​​then bring a lot of appreciation from various groups including the training participants themselves, who incidentally are young people.

They admitted that they were very happy because they had gained new knowledge that they had never obtained before. In this way, they can continue to learn about various aspects of the world of fashion, starting from the sewing process to how the product can gain acceptance by the community, especially as well as being able to promote local cultural values ​​in the region.

Tasya Aurelia (24) as one of the participants in the AMANAH training program, revealed that the event provided an extraordinary platform for young people in the area nicknamed Veranda of Mecca, who so far may not have had the opportunity to develop their full potential.

The training that AMANAH carries out is able to encourage and fully support the existence of young Acehnese designers so that they can further develop and even bring Aceh’s name to the international fashion scene by continuing to introduce local cultural values.

Never stopping fighting, the government through BIN continues to strive to elevate Aceh’s cultural richness through innovation and creativity, which is realized through the AMANAH Program.

Local cultural values ​​in Aceh now have many platforms to continue to promote them, including the AMANAH Program which continues to try to elevate the existence of culture but in a unique way so that it can gain acceptance from young people, namely through fashion training.

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