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AMN Produces High Quality Cadres for the Nation’s Successors


By : Gavin Asadit )*

The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) continues to produce future cadres for the nation’s future with high quality and extraordinary competitiveness as superior human resources (HR).

The young people who are the next generation of the nation continue to receive various forms of training, education and development to become high quality figures through the government’s strategic program, namely AMN.

Because in AMN, as one of the strategic flagship programs initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the government prepares cadres or figures who are capable of becoming the nation’s next leaders with various competencies so that they are able to compete even at the world level.

In 2045, many parties really hope that Indonesia will be able to become a developed and strong nation. Therefore, the government is very focused on preparing young people to welcome the Golden Indonesia with various programs.

Moreover, because this nation will experience a demographic bonus which will make the number of the country’s population of very productive age, namely the workforce ranging from 15 to 64 years old, have a greater number than those of unproductive age, namely under 5 years and over 64 years. . So this nation really needs high quality human resources in order to welcome Indonesia’s Golden Era 2045. According to the Vice President (Wapres) of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma’ruf Amin, so far the government has continued to strive to increase the contribution of young people to the maximum.

AMN itself has a very big role in providing maximum contribution to achieving Golden Indonesia 2045, especially in preparing the younger generation so they can become future leaders of the nation.

Through AMN, it has become a gathering place for all young people from various different backgrounds, where there is a high learning culture, including increased productivity and many positive activities.

It is no less important that the government’s strategic flagship program in the era of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)’s leadership through the initiation of BIN, allows for a platform to become a locomotive for paradigm changes that have been embedded so far, namely as if student dormitories were only related to with certain areas only.

Very different, in AMN, it allows for many new, better values ​​because it is filled with students consisting of various young people from various universities and also various different backgrounds, they work together to make continuous improvements for the benefit of the nation.

There are many positive transformations, including various types of innovation, improvement, and continuous change through this strategic program. Moreover, at a time like now which requires rapid development of the digital world and demands many changes and adjustments in all fields, including higher education.

All parties have the same obligation, namely how to be able to produce young human resources as a superior generation who are not only academically intelligent, but also excel in non-academic matters and are able to be digitally literate.

The government continues to carry out innovations, one of which is the realization of AMN in order to produce superior young people as the nation’s successors and with high competitiveness who are capable in the scientific field.

AMN cadres are able to become the main driving force for the progress of the Indonesian nation and provide enormous benefits to society. Because it allows them to adapt amidst the rapid advances in digital technology and social media.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chair of the North Sulawesi (Sulut) Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) for Education, Research and Technology, Doni B. Utina emphasized his support for the development of AMN in Manado, which he said was the government’s concrete solution for improving the quality of education in Indonesia.

The existence of AMN certainly strengthens the role of young people, they are not only as social supervisors, but there is an increase in various aspects. If an improvement in the quality of young people occurs, then this is very important in order to produce future cadres for the nation, in which AMN in this case acts as a forum for developing the character of the younger generation.

On the other hand, Deputy Chair of the AMN Manado Working Group (Wakapokja) from BIN, Idham Malik, stated that the construction of the dormitory was intended to unite students from various different backgrounds. Later, they will be able to build harmony, cohesiveness and relations between the nation’s children to become much more harmonious.

A place to produce cadres of leaders and successors to the nation from young people, capable of producing a young generation of high quality and extraordinary competitiveness, AMN is indeed the government’s strategic flagship program through the successful initiation of BIN in the field of improving the nation’s human resources.

)* The author is an observer of social and community problems

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