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AMN Sharpens Students’ Abilities in Various Fields


The Nusantara Student Dormitory (AMN) is a strategic program from the Government to improve and develop the quality of the nation’s young human resources (HR). This program provides dormitory facilities that support learning, self-development and interaction between students from various regions. With AMN, it is hoped that students can focus more on education, expand networks, and increase cultural and social insight. Developing oneself, increasing national insight and strengthening a sense of unity and increasing nationalism can start from AMN, because there are multi-ethnic and racial groups there.

The construction of AMN in Manado is an important step in supporting the education and development of students in the area. This dormitory is designed to provide comfortable facilities and support students’ academic and social activities. At AMN, students can explore their abilities in various fields, thereby producing a young generation who is able to compete and play an active role in the nation’s progress.

Special Staff of the Steering Committee of the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP), Father Benny Susetyo, said that at AMN students who come from various ethnicities, languages, cultures, religions and also come from various regions in Indonesia as well as various universities are able to live under one roof. The same. Apart from that, AMN not only functions as a place to live, but also as a means to increase students’ insight in various fields. At AMN, students can learn rhetoric, organization, and build arguments and public opinion.


To date, the progress of accelerating AMN development in Manado, which is being intensified by the State Intelligence Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BIN RI), continues to experience positive progress. With the positive progress of AMN development in Manado, it is certainly very encouraging and many people are looking forward to it, especially students. Because once the building is officially established, it will be one of BIN’s major contributions to the nation’s progress. AMN not only functions as a place to live, but also as a forum for developing skills and knowledge for students.

Apart from that, one of the positive impacts of the development of AMN Manado is improving the quality of human resources. As expressed by the Governor of North Sulawesi, Olly Dondokambey, who said that AMN is not just a physical building, but also a symbol of commitment to human resource development. At AMN Manado, students will get a conducive environment for learning, creativity and collaboration. With adequate facilities, they can develop their potential to the maximum, both in the academic and non-academic fields. With these various facilities, students are able to develop their skills in various fields which will later contribute to the progress of the nation and state.

Improving the quality of human resources is also supported by various parties, such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek), Sam Ratulangi University (Unsrat), and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN). This collaboration between the government, universities and related agencies shows seriousness in creating a superior and highly competitive young generation.

Meanwhile, the Head of the North Sulawesi Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW Sulut), Ir. Nurdiana Habibie, said that the construction of AMN Manado was designed to be grand with a land area of ​​20,000 square meters and a building area of ​​1,595 square meters. AMN in Manado is equipped with men’s and women’s dormitory towers, meeting halls, multipurpose rooms, sports fields, gardens, road access and parking areas. The development of AMN Manado is supported by many parties, so that when this development is officially used it will have a positive impact on the progress of the education sector and become a forum for students to develop themselves.

Then the presence of AMN Manado allows synergy between the academic world and industry. With support from various ministries and institutions, students at AMN Manado will have access to training and skills development programs that suit industry needs. This will prepare them to become a competitive workforce in the global market, as well as increase employment opportunities in the future. In this way, AMN is not only a place to live, but also a center for professional development for the younger generation.

The construction of AMN in Manado also has a significant positive impact in forming a young generation of Indonesians who love their homeland. By focusing on improving the quality of human resources, instilling nationalist values, and optimizing student potential, AMN Manado is an ideal forum for creating future leaders of excellence and character. In addition, encouraging collaboration and innovation among students will strengthen the sense of togetherness and enthusiasm to contribute to the nation.

It is hoped that AMN development in Manado can become a model for other cities in Indonesia in the long term. With the existence of similar dormitories in various regions, a young generation will be formed who has a strong spirit of nationalism and is ready to contribute to realizing a Golden Indonesia 2045. A generation that is educated, broad-minded and loves their homeland will be a valuable asset for the nation.

Therefore, support from all parties is very important so that the AMN program can run smoothly and achieve the expected goals. Synergy between government, academics and society will strengthen these efforts and ensure the success of AMN development.

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