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Appreciating the Government’s Efforts to Socialize the Tapera Program


By: Ratih Anggraeni Saputri )*

The Indonesian government continues to strive to improve the quality of life of the community through various social and economic programs. One program that should be appreciated is the Public Housing Savings (Tapera) program. Tapera aims to help low and middle income people have decent and affordable housing. This program is not just a financial solution, but also includes intensive education and outreach aspects to the community.

Tapera socialization is an important step taken by the government to ensure that information about this program can be conveyed well to all levels of society. Through various communication channels, such as print, electronic and social media, the government tries to reach a wider community. Apart from that, outreach activities are also carried out through seminars, workshops and group discussions involving various stakeholders, including housing developers and financial institutions.

The government’s efforts to socialize Tapera have shown positive results. More and more people now understand the benefits of this program and are interested in participating. With clear information and easy access, it is hoped that people can take advantage of the Tapera program to realize their dream of owning their own home. The success of this socialization cannot be separated from the hard work and collaboration of various parties, who are together committed to creating sustainable and inclusive housing solutions.

The Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemnaker RI) will increase the socialization of Tapera policies to avoid misunderstandings in society. The Director General of Industrial Relations Development and Employment Social Security at the Ministry of Manpower, Indah Anggoro Putri, stated that socialization would be focused through the National Tripartite Cooperation Institute (LKS) which consists of trade unions, employers and the government. Indah said the lack of public understanding about Tapera was caused by ineffective socialization, so the government’s steps to introduce Tapera were very important.

The socialization steps planned through the National Tripartite LKS are expected to increase public understanding about Tapera. By involving various stakeholders such as trade unions, employers and the government, it is hoped that communication will be more effective and information will be spread evenly. This effort is important to overcome various miscommunications and misunderstandings that may occur around this program.

The Ministry of Manpower’s efforts to draft a Minister of Manpower Regulation regarding the Tapera mechanism are important to provide legal and procedural certainty for all parties. Although the completion time is uncertain, this step shows the government’s seriousness in ensuring that the Tapera program runs well and is accepted by the public. The government hopes that the participant registration deadline of 2027 will be sufficient for the necessary socialization and adjustments.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission IX DPR RI, Darul Siska, emphasized the importance of the Tapera program in ensuring all employees have adequate housing. According to him, a house is a basic need that not only provides comfort, but also supports the healthy growth and development of children. Darul stated that with a decent home, children can grow up in a safe and supportive environment, thereby making a positive contribution to the overall welfare of the family.

Darul also highlighted that all policies made by the government, including Tapera, are aimed at the good of society. By ensuring that every employee can have a home, the government is trying to fulfill one of the most basic needs of its citizens. It is hoped that the Tapera program can be a long-term solution to the housing problem in Indonesia, while also significantly improving people’s quality of life.

Darul Siska’s statement adds support to the importance of effective Tapera socialization. With support from various parties, including legislative members, the government’s efforts to promote Tapera can run more smoothly and achieve the expected targets. This shows that this program not only has support from the executive, but also from the legislature, who are jointly committed to improving people’s welfare through a sustainable and inclusive housing program.

Member of Commission V DPR RI, Sigit Sosiantomo, also stated that the new regulations regarding Tapera could be one solution to encourage low-income people to save so they can own their first home. Sigit highlighted that the backlog or gap between the total residential units built and the units needed by the community is still high, and the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) is unable to finance everything. According to him, Public Housing Credit (KPR) is a long and tiring journey, so Tapera is being pursued as a mutual cooperation to provide cheap and affordable subsidized housing.

Meanwhile, Member of Commission VI DPR RI, Herman Khaeron, believes that the government needs to review the procedures for the Tapera program. Herman emphasized the importance of providing programs in the right portion so that people can really get a home, but at the same time not be weighed down by government programs that have good intentions. Herman emphasized the importance of balancing the benefits and burdens borne by the community in implementing Tapera.

For your information, Tapera is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 21 of 2024 concerning Amendments to PP Number 25 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Tapera, which was signed by President Joko Widodo on May 20 2024. With this new regulation, it is hoped that the implementation of the Tapera program will be better. structured and effective in achieving its goals. It is hoped that the combination of intensive outreach and appropriate regulations can ensure that this program runs smoothly and provides maximum benefits for the community.

)* Political Science student living in Semarang City

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