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Appreciating the success of the security forces in restoring conduciveness to Papua after the KNPB demonstration riots


By: Isak Wambai

Security forces have succeeded in restoring conduciveness to the Papua region following riots during demonstrations by the West Papua National Committee (KNPB). The officers’ quick steps in maintaining security and social order deserve high appreciation .

So far, all levels of security forces have always tried to move swiftly, especially when it comes to security, to always maintain and make the situation conducive, including in the Papua region after the riots during the KNPB demonstration.

Indeed, recently the West Papua National Committee (KNPB) held a demonstration or demonstration, which actually ended in anarchism and riots. However, fortunately, with quick action, the security forces immediately succeeded in returning the area nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih to peace and tranquility.

The Nabire Resort Police (Polres) succeeded in securing the KNPB demonstration or demonstration which took place at several strategic points in Nabire Regency to commemorate the New York Agreement.

Nabire Police Chief, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police (AKBP) Wahyudi Satriyo Bintoro revealed that previously the security forces had given advice to the entire crowd so that they could disperse in an orderly manner.

Moreover, this action did not have a Notification Receipt (STTP) at all and had the potential to disrupt public order. However, it turned out that the masses rejected the subtle suggestions from the security forces and instead carried out anarchic actions, so that firm action had to be taken to secure several of the participants in the action.

Thanks to the success of this security, currently the situation at various points is back under control after the KNPB demonstration which caused the riots. Even so, security forces remain on guard to anticipate the possibility of similar follow-up actions as a preventive measure.

Apart from that, not only did they succeed in returning to security and ensuring that the situation remained conducive, but the security forces also ensured that community activities and the economy of the residents remained safe and were not disturbed despite the riots following the demonstration.

It can be seen that the public really believes in the good performance of the security forces, so that shops are still open as usual, all residents’ activities also appear normal with traffic flowing smoothly.

Likewise, not only in Nabire, but similar actions also occurred in Jayapura City. Hundreds of people gathered since morning to hold a demonstration. However, because it was very disturbing and had the potential to disturb public order and had violated the communication commitment between the authorities and the field coordinator (Korlap), decisive action was taken by disbanding the action.

Deputy Chief of the Jayapura City Police (Wakapolresta), AKBP Deni Herdiana admitted that his party had indicated through intelligence that the demonstration by the KNPB would clearly lead to anarchism.

Moreover, because they also completely did not comply with the time commitment that the security forces had given in conveying their aspirations, and even the Coordinating Committee itself was no longer able to regulate it, firm and measurable action was immediately carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Law (UU) that apply to forced disbandment.

The dispersal of the demonstrators took place safely and smoothly, the authorities continued to carry out various kinds of early detection efforts by coordinating and collaborating with side agencies in the intelligence department to minimize any negative impacts.

Even though the security forces have acted in a very humane and measured manner, it turns out that there are still a handful of irresponsible parties who spread rumors of provocation and propaganda that say it looks like the police shot the demonstrators, even though this is clearly just a hoax.

For this reason, all elements of society should continue to unite together in maintaining the security and social security situation, especially ahead of the celebration of the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. All parties, including Papuans, should be proud of being part of this nation, so that the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day must be celebrated with great fanfare and joy.

Meanwhile, the Acting (Pj) Governor of Central Papua Province, Dr. Ribka Haluk expressed his thanks and very high appreciation to all levels of security forces including the Military Resort Commander (Danrem) to the Head of Operations (Kaops) Damai Cartenz as well as all TNI and Polri soldiers.

So far, the security forces have been very dedicated to continuing to maintain the security situation and public order (kamtibmas) in the area nicknamed Bumi Cenderawasih. One of the concrete proofs is the success of early detection and security at KNPB demonstrations so that they do not cause further prolonged riots.

Now, it is time for all parties, including religious leaders, tribal leaders, community leaders, youth and women to join hands together in maintaining security and social order to remain safe and conducive.

Great appreciation continues to come from various parties for the success of the security forces in restoring regional conduciveness and maintaining security and social order after the riots during the KNPB demonstration.

*) University of Papua (Unipa) Law Students

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