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Beware of Closed Proportional Election System Hoaxes


By : David Kiva Prambudi )*

All elements of society are obliged to be able to continue to increase their self-awareness, especially in responding to all information circulating on social media and the internet or any digital space, regarding information leaks regarding the Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the 2024 election system by applying closed proportionality. Even though the Constitutional Court itself still has not really put forward their decision officially.

Head of the Organizational and Cadreization Division of the Perindo Party Central Leadership Council (DPP), Yusuf Lakaseng stated that the statement made by Denny Indrayana regarding the General Election system (Pemilu) using closed proportional was an act of provocation and also an attempt to unsettle the political situation in the coming year 2024.

This statement was in response to the former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham), Denny Indrayana, having caused a commotion in the Indonesian community. How could it not be, because he stated that the democratic party event and political contestation for the upcoming 2024 election will be held using a closed proportional system.

According to Denny, according to information widely circulating, the claim that the implementation of the upcoming General Election will use a closed proportional system, according to Denny, it turns out that he received information related to the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding legislative elections (Pileg) to be carried out again using a closed proportional system or by using the party voting system.

Suddenly, Yusuf Lakaseng, who is also a candidate for the legislature (Bacaleg) for the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) from the Perindo Party for the electoral area (Dapil) of Central Sulawesi (Sulteng), immediately emphasized that the statement issued by Denny Indrayana was absolutely expressions that are inappropriate and not commendable.

According to him, Denny, who is a lawyer and also a former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights, should be a person who understands the law in the country, so he should understand and absolutely not be allowed to make such statements, let alone cause an uproar and public commotion because it could be an attempt at provocation. that can unsettle society.

In fact, for the decision from the Constitutional Court itself regarding how the election system will be in 2024, whether to be held using an open or closed proportional system, this should really wait for an official decision to be put forward by the Constitutional Court itself.

Of course, many parties also hope that the decision issued by the Constitutional Court regarding the General Election system that will be used by the Indonesian nation in the future will not cause uproar in society, especially so far all the political parties (Parpol) participating in the 2024 Election themselves are indeed have prepared everything by using an open proportional system as has been carried out by the Indonesian nation since the reformation was carried out by continuing to uphold the principles of democracy.

So far, it can be said that all the stages of the 2024 Election itself have gone quite far, even the time for the registration of the Bacalegs themselves has also been completed and all the political parties participating in the General Election have drawn up formations for the candidates they will put forward based on an open proportional system.

In fact, if for example the electoral contest is held every 5 (five) years in the country, even if it is carried out using an open or closed proportional election system, it does not contradict the provisions of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

So that with no contradictions in the provisions of the Constitution, then it should be able to change the election system is not the realm of the Constitutional Court, but the domain of policy makers or laws (UU) in the country, namely the Indonesian Parliament and also the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. .

With this information which is considered quite provocative, indeed all people in Indonesia themselves must also be able to continue to increase their vigilance because there could be a lot of incitement that has been circulating on social media and the internet or other digital spaces, which has the potential to further create chaos.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson for the Constitutional Court, Fajar Laksono himself denied that there was an alleged leak of information regarding the decision in case Number 114/PUU-XX/2022 related to a lawsuit against the open proportional election system in the Election Law.

In fact, according to him, this matter is still not at the discussion stage at the Constitutional Court, because so far the latest development, namely through a trial which was held on Tuesday, May 23, 2023, the parties will submit their conclusions to the panel of constitutional judges and at least no later than 31 May 2023 at 11:00 WIB.

Therefore, with the alleged leak of information regarding the Constitutional Court’s decision related to the use of the election system that will be used by the Indonesian people using closed proportionality, all elements of society must continue to be vigilant so that they are not in a hurry to react and are not easily provoked and instead create chaos. in the midst of the public, because it is possible that all the information that is spreading is an attempt at provocation, the article is that the Constitutional Court itself has not made an official decision yet.

)* The author is a contributor to Yudistira Institute

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