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Beware of Khilafah Ideology Infiltrating Election Contestants


Even though the flag of the khilafah is not flying, the movement of khilafah symptoms needs to be watched out for, especially ahead of the general election (2024 election), which can infiltrate the parties participating in the election. The existence of a caliphate is very prone to division and giving rise to scales of conflict simply because of differences.

It should be understood in advance that the character of the caliphate is basically not just an anti-democratic ideological offering. Rather, it becomes a parasite that destroys and pits one against the other and spreads provocations so that the Indonesian people stay away from democracy and away from Pancasila. This of course can lead to chaos

            If you look in the mirror at the election celebrations in 2014 and 2019 then. Symptoms of the Khilafah appear on the surface with a double face. Burning the flames of hatred between political opponents. Bringing various slander and fighting between the camps.

            Hoax production is so easy and scattered on various social media platforms. Various narrations about the figure of an infidel leader are deliberately exhaled to make the political atmosphere even more heated. The action took to the streets and even missed the meal time.

            Therefore it is necessary to be aware of the symptoms of the khilafah ahead of the 2024 election. At least there are some things that must be identified with the character traits. So that we are not easily influenced and continue to maintain the situation so that it remains calm, peaceful, conducive, healthy and political aspirations in Indonesia run successfully.

            In the case example, you will find a narrative of a leader who is considered to represent Muslims. This narrative actually tries to lead people’s minds to have an exclusive and fanatical perspective on certain individuals. It is this condition that will give birth to various kinds of claims that this is part of the religious struggle. So, when that party fails in the 2024 election, the caliphate group will continue with a slanderous narrative that the government is full of hatred for Muslims.

            This is where the great opportunity for the caliphate group to easily divide and build brings conflict between the nation’s children. Of course the main goal of this caliphate group is to make the Indonesian nation chaotic. So that they will easily continue to spread narratives about the enforcement of the caliphate state.

            Whether you realize it or not, important moments like elections are the easiest way to blow up various narratives, whether it’s the narrative of an Islamic state or a Khilafah state in the form of religious politics. Such currents of course can give birth to unhealthy democratic cycles. Various theological arguments were conveyed if this nation is led by people who practice Islamic teachings then it will give birth to prosperity.

            Then the opportunity arose for the khilafah group so that this ideology could be widely accepted in people’s lives. Thus, this dependence began to appear slowly and that is where the orientation of the caliphate succeeded in taking advantage of this moment.

            Previously, it should be noted that the state system of the caliphate model is included in the category of teachings or understandings that are contrary to Pancasila, which have been stated in a decision of the Supreme Court (MA) which has permanent legal force.       

            On a different occasion, the General Chairperson of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive, Prof. Haedar Nashir indicated that there were still Islamic groups who defended the caliphate system. In fact, according to him, the founding fathers of this country, including Muhammadiyah figures, agreed that Indonesia is a Pancasila state. Prof. Haedar also emphasized that in the Indonesian context, the khilafah system has been rejected.

            The notion of a khilafah that makes uniformity means canceling and dissolving Indonesia because this is not in accordance with the agreement on the founding of this nation which is based on diversity. Even though Indonesia really appreciates differences and upholds unity in diversity.

            The notion of the khilafah itself is very problematic in Indonesia because it tries to impose its will on everyone to establish a state based on a certain religion, namely Islam. This coercion is what makes the ideology of the caliphate rejected in Indonesia. But still, narratives about the caliphate up to the prohibition of elections are still easily found on the Internet.

            Meanwhile, Initiator of the National Conscience Movement (GNK) Habib Syakur Ali Mahdi Alhamid asked the Indonesian people to continue to be vigilant. Specifically related to the potential for extremism, radicalism and intolerance under the guise of religion. The narrative is only about hatred.

            He also reminded political figures, including political parties, to be able to detect attempts at division. Where caliphate groups, extremism, radicalism and intolerance groups are often created. He gave an example, the narrative that was built was sedition, such as calling Indonesia a thagut country, saying Pancasila was heretical, then the narrative about the impeachment of President Jokowi.

            Allowing the narrative of the caliphate to spread, of course, has the potential to divide unity and to the desecration of the national symbol, namely Pancasila. Even though Indonesia is a tolerant country and embraces all differences.

            Anyone who will later be directly involved in the 2024 elections, of course, needs to be aware of the ideology of the caliphate that infiltrates election participants. Because the truth is that elections are a form of enthusiasm for democracy, not necessarily destroying democracy with an ideology that is contrary to Pancasila and democracy.

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