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Beware of Radicalism and the Understanding of the Khilafah Threatening National Harmony


By : Andika )*

Radicalism and understanding the caliphate are two things that should be watched out for in Indonesian society. Both have the potential to become a serious threat to national harmony, which has been known to uphold the values ​​of tolerance and pluralism. This has become a sensitive issue that affects social stability and security in various countries, including Indonesia. Both have the potential to destroy the harmony and pluralism that has been built so far.

Radicalism often manifests in the form of extreme understanding of certain religions or ideologies. This can lead to acts of violence and intolerance towards groups with different views. The concept of the caliphate, for example, emerged with the claim to establish a government based exclusively on Islamic law, often without accommodating pluralism and religious freedom.

In Indonesia, a country with rich ethnic, religious and cultural diversity, these ideologies pose a serious challenge. This diversity should be a strength, not a gap to be infiltrated with divisive ideologies. Therefore, society needs to increase awareness of the dangers of radicalism and the ideology of the caliphate, and play an active role in preventing its spread.

The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) asked the public to be alert to the movements of former members of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI). BNPT’s Director of Deradicalization, Brigadier General Ahmad Nurwakhid, said the public needs to be wary of movements that could revive HTI cells. HTI has a strategy and approach pattern with certain methods, especially for groups of young people.

Since it was officially disbanded in 2017 by the government, not all HTI organizations or sympathizers have disappeared. He said that the group still often moves quietly by changing the name of the organization. Disbanding HTI is actually not a complete solution, as long as its ideology cannot be banned, this organization can be camouflaged in the form of movements, narratives and non-formal organizations.

The government also has an important role in responding to this challenge. Preventive steps, such as inclusive education and balanced religious education, can reduce the attraction of radical ideas. Apart from that, strict law enforcement against radical movements is also important to maintain public security and order.

The rise of actions from groups at odds with the government is covered with religious themes and exploited by interest groups. The public also needs to protect these actions so that they are not easily influenced by their invitations. One of the strong fortified areas, namely Yogyakarta, the Anti-Radicalism Young People’s Alliance (AMMAR) held a peaceful demonstration at Tugu Yogyakarta with the display of banners and reading attitudes.

Chairman of AMMAR, Anggit, said that his party was holding a peaceful demonstration out of concern considering the recent situation which often occurs. Many activities are wrapped in religion but in essence aim to divide society, Muslims and destroy the culture and foundations of our country, Pancasila.

Acts of radicalism and the spread of the ideology of the caliphate are religious ideological movements that are understood as a state concept but based on Islamic law and the Caliph as its leader. The caliphate system claims not to be a democratic system. Supporters of this group tend to be puritanical, feel self-righteous and blame others, thus potentially disrupting and even destroying harmony between fellow citizens, especially in Indonesia, which highly values ​​tolerance because of its diversity.

Beware of radicalism and the ideology of the caliphate requires collective efforts from various parties, including the government, civil society and individuals. The public needs to be equipped with adequate knowledge about the dangers of radicalism and the understanding of the caliphate. Moderate and tolerant religious education is also important to prevent misinterpretation of Islamic teachings.

AR Waluyo Wasis Nugroho or  Gus Wal , General Chair of the United Indonesian Archipelago Fighters ( PNIB ) said that all people should be alert to the latent danger of terrorism which is sneakily infiltrating religious, cultural and tribal life. The public must be aware that terrorism no longer appears with a scary face carrying a weapon, but sometimes appears with a friendly face but is full of hatred.

The public needs to be equipped with adequate knowledge about the dangers of radicalism and the understanding of the caliphate. Moderate and tolerant religious education is also important to prevent misinterpretation of Islamic teachings and the importance of full support to Densus 88, the National Police and the TNI is the key to eradicating all forms of intolerance  , radicalism and terrorism.

Collective awareness and cross-sectoral cooperation are the keys to responding to the threat of radicalism and the ideology of the caliphate. Only by uniting can the Indonesian people maintain national harmony and harmony, and ensure that this country remains a safe and peaceful place for all its citizens.

Indonesia must continue to maintain the values ​​of diversity and respect differences to prevent divisions that can be exploited by extremist groups. Continue fighting to create a peaceful, united and dignified Indonesia.

Maintaining national harmony is our shared responsibility. By increasing awareness and taking appropriate preventive measures, we can fight radicalism and the ideology of the caliphate, and maintain Indonesia as a peaceful and tolerant country.

)* Student Lives in Yogyakarta

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