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Closing the 2nd IPPP, Puan Maharani: Blue Economy is a Priority for the Pacific Region


Jakarta – Chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, said that currently the Blue Economy is still a priority for countries in the Pacific Region. This is because of the enormous marine potential in the Pacific Region.

This was explained by the Chairman of the DPR RI at the closing of the 2nd IPPP in Jakarta, Thursday 25/7/2024.

Today’s meeting discussed the huge maritime potential in the Pacific Region, the Indonesian Parliament and Pacific Region countries agreed to place the blue economy as a priority even though it is still in the development stage, but Indonesia is committed to sharing knowledge and experience through training programs for our partners. in the Pacific, said the Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani.

According to Puan Maharani, blue economy development is very important and cannot be instant but must require a process.

“We are aware that development is a process that is always developing, there are always things that can be shared, including how to repeat development successes and failures at each stage,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the DPR of the Republic of Indonesia, Puan Maharani, reiterated her strong commitment to placing the parliaments of Pacific Countries as Indonesia’s Main Partners.

On the other hand, we see major threats such as climate change that must be faced by Pacific countries. Currently, Parliament must be at the forefront and the DPR RI has made a major contribution in mobilizing real parliamentary action in various countries at the 144th assembly meeting in 2022 as well. to overcome global warming, explained Puan.

“Apart from that, there is an idea that we have succeeded in discussing the need for diplomacy where parliament contributes to building connectivity,” he concluded.

“As people’s representatives, we can play a major role in bridging relations between communities in the region,” he stressed.

“On the same occasion, we discussed the need to carry out development, namely development that involves all elements of society, including women’s empowerment,” added Puan.

“I invite us to bring the discussions and recommendations in Jakarta to our respective countries and to the meeting room at our parliament building,” said Puan.

“I invite Pacific countries to tell the people of their countries that Indonesia wants to increase friendship with the people of the Pacific,” he said.

“Let us use this as a useful platform for the people. We would like to thank once again for the participation of the chairman of parliament and members of parliament,” concluded DPR Speaker Puan Maharani.

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