Community Supports Security Forces in Eradicating Free Papua Movement (OPM)
By: Martha Waromi )*
The government continues to try to protect the Papuan people who have been victims of the separatist movement, the Free Papua Movement (OPM). This group must be held responsible for kidnappings, murders, and exposure of infrastructure that often targets villages, schools, and health facilities. The atrocities committed by the OPM are certainly the basic reason why the government considers the OPM a terrorist organization and has deployed the military and police to eradicate the OPM rebellion.
As is known, the OPM continues to spread terror to the community. Most recently, the OPM shot down a Smart Air PK-SNH plane at Sinak Airport, Puncak Regency, Central Papua on Monday (8/7). According to the Kapendam XVII/Cenderawasih, Lieutenant Colonel Inf Candra Kurniawa, the authorities were very careful when taking retaliatory action against the OPM attack. The perpetrators behind the mothers and children who were used as shields. Therefore, this cunning action by the OPM certainly needs to be addressed with firm law enforcement.
The crucial aspect in the case in Papua is the role of local communities in supporting the security forces’ efforts to eradicate the OPM. Secretary General of the Indonesian Red and White Front and Papuan Youth Leader, Ali Kabiay, said that the community must support and appreciate the efforts made by the TNI and Polri, because the OPM is a source of chaos and is involved in a series of violence that harms civilians, threatens regional stability, and disrupts the daily lives of the Papuan people. The presence of the security forces has been proven to help maintain security activities in Papua so that all activities can run safely, peacefully and prosperously.
Community support for the security forces in eradicating the OPM comes from various factors. In relation to security and stability factors, many Papuans have experienced violence, fraud, displacement, and disturbances due to the atrocities committed by the OPM. In relation to economic factors, economic development in Papua is often hampered by OPM’s acts of terror. Infrastructure, investment, and tourism projects have had a negative impact on areas hit by the rebellion. Fear and memories will always haunt the daily lives of the Papuan people.
Collaboration between local communities and security forces in Papua is realized through various strategies aimed at involving the OPM. One of the most significant ways that communities support security forces is through sharing intelligence information. Local knowledge of the terrain, OPM hideouts, and movement patterns can be invaluable to military operations. Communities can provide information on OPM activities, helping security forces plan and carry out targeted operations.
In addition, collaboration between local communities and security forces was also carried out by a tribal chief in the Papuan highlands named Markus Haluk who succeeded in gathering support from various tribes to jointly eradicate the OPM. Together with other traditional leaders, Markus Haluk helped security forces reduce OPM group activities through anti-radicalism socialization, the establishment of security posts, and educating the community about the importance of maintaining security and comfort.
Similar efforts have also been made by other Papuan figures. A traditional leader from Jayawijaya, Papua Mountains Province, Hengky Heselo, appealed to the entire community not to respond to provocative invitations or statements from separatist groups that could disrupt security and protect the community. The call from the separatist group is considered unconstructive, even divisive and can bring suffering. Hengky emphasized that in Papua today the people live in harmony and peace with the intensive development of the central government through the Special Autonomy program.
In addition, Lapago Traditional Leader, Yuranus Jikwa stated that his party supports the TNI and Polri in dealing with the increasingly disturbing OPM. Yuranus also emphasized to members of the terrorist group, especially those in the Lapago and Mee Pago customary areas, not to shoot civilians, and then make statements in the media that are not true.
Collaboration between local communities and security forces in Papua has a significant impact on the effectiveness of security operations, leading to reduced violence in Papua. The presence of TNI and Polri units in key areas has provided a sense of security for local communities and reduced the ability of separatist groups to carry out large-scale attacks. As a result, violent incidents have decreased, contributing to a more stable environment.
Selain itu, kolaborasi dengan masyarakat lokal membantu aparat keamanan memfasilitasi pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan di Papua. Pembangunan jalan, sekolah, dan fasilitas kesehatan sangat penting untuk mengatasi kesenjangan ekonomi yang berkontribusi terhadap konflik. Kehadiran aparat keamanan memungkinkan proyek-proyek ini berjalan dengan mengurangi risiko serangan atau sabotase. Dengan memperbaiki kondisi kehidupan dan memberikan peluang ekonomi, inisiatif pembangunan ini membantu mengatasi beberapa akar penyebab konflik.
Dukungan masyarakat setempat terhadap aparat keamanan dalam memberantas OPM menjadi salah satu aspek penting dalam konflik di Papua. Kolaborasi ini memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap keamanan dan stabilitas masyarakat di wilayah Papua. Mengurangi kekerasan dan melindungi infrastruktur penting berkontribusi terhadap lingkungan yang lebih aman, memungkinkan penduduk menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari dengan lebih sedikit rasa takut terhadap serangan. Stabilitas ini penting untuk pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan dan perbaikan kondisi kehidupan.
)* Pelajar dari Papua dan belajar di Bandung