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Community Supports Security Forces to Realize Peaceful Regional Elections


By : Sabrina Aulia )*

The 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) process is not only an opportunity for prospective leaders to win the people’s votes, but also an opportunity for the community to express their aspirations and hopes. However, despite the importance of the Pilkada, the challenge of maintaining security and order during the process remains an issue that requires serious attention. Therefore, public support for security forces is vital to realizing peaceful and integrity regional elections.
The security forces, consisting of the National Police and TNI, play an important role in maintaining order and security during the regional elections. The task of the relevant parties is not only to supervise the voting process, but also to create a conducive environment, prevent riots, and handle potential conflicts that may arise. With various existing challenges, such as hoaxes, SARA issues, and mass mobilization that have the potential to cause tension, the role of security forces is increasingly in the spotlight.
The readiness of the authorities to respond to unexpected situations is one indicator of the success of the Pilkada implementation. Therefore, synergy between the community and the authorities is very necessary to create a safe situation.
The community has a very important role in supporting the security forces. One way that can be done is by increasing political awareness and active participation. The public needs to realize that every vote cast will determine the direction of regional development and the quality of life. Thus, education regarding the importance of choosing wisely is very necessary.
Apart from that, the public can also become partners with the security forces by reporting suspicious actions or potential conflicts that could disrupt order. Communities who actively communicate and coordinate with authorities can help prevent problems before they grow bigger. By involving the public in the monitoring process, security forces can be more effective in carrying out their duties.
As conveyed by the Asmat Family Harmony and the Solidarity of Papuan Peranakan Children, South Papua Province in Merauke, they are calling for a moral appeal asking security forces and the entire community to oversee the ongoing 2024 Regional Election process.
The moral call for harmony between the extended family of the Asmat tribe and solidarity with the Peranakan children of South Papua was voiced together in a statement of attitude signed at Gudang Arang, Kamahedoga sub-district, Merauke.
The extended family is the Head of the Asmat Tribe, Elias Asembi, Representative of the Asmat Community, David Anok, Coordinator of Peranakan Children from Papua, South Papua, Tarsis Rahailyaan, Chairman of the Asmat Tribe Youth, Damianus Saman, Asmat Big Born Children, David Sangur, Asmat Student Association, Youth of the Wiyaghar Tribe South Papua, Muh Bilal Kamogolu and Asmat Women’s Figure, Veronika Konam.
The Asmat Tribe’s extended family and South Papua’s Peranakan Children Solidarity also delivered a seven-point statement regarding the determination of the plenary results of the South Papua People’s Assembly (MRPS) regarding consideration and approval of the authenticity of the Papuan Original People (OAP) of the four prospective pairs of candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of South Papua in the 2024 regional elections.
The Chief of the Asmat Tribe, Elias Asembi, expressed his gratitude to His Excellency the Chairman and Members of the South Papua People’s Assembly (MRPS) who have determined the authenticity of the four (4) candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of South Papua as native Papuans (OAP).
Furthermore, the authenticity of the OAPs of the four prospective pairs of candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of South Papua who have been determined by MRPS is in accordance with applicable legislation, namely Law Number 21 of 2001 as amended by Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua.
Elias said that his party continues to support and supervise all processes carried out by the South Papua People’s Assembly (MRPS) and the South Papua Province General Election Commission.
Representative of the Asmat Community, David Anok also appealed to all South Papuan people, especially the Asmat Tribe and South Papuan Peranakan Children, not to be provoked by irresponsible elements who are trying to reject the results of the MRPS plenary session.
He expressed his gratitude to all the people of South Papua Province who have provided moral support to Apolo Safanpo, a native Papuan child who was born from the womb of an Asmat woman in Syuru Village, Asmat Regency, South Papua.
David asked the security forces to monitor and protect the entire regional election process in South Papua Province. David also appealed to supporters and sympathizers of Apolo Safanpo and Paskalis Imadawa to continue to maintain unity and peace in the land of South Papua.
It is important for people to have high political awareness. In the context of the 2024 Pilkada, people are expected to not only vote based on emotional factors or social pressure, but also based on in-depth knowledge about potential leaders. Information regarding the candidate’s vision, mission and programs must be obtained carefully.
The 2024 regional elections are a golden opportunity for the community to determine the right leader. Community support for security forces is very important in realizing peaceful and integrity regional elections. Through active participation, increasing political awareness, and constructive communication, society can contribute greatly to creating a conducive atmosphere.

)* The author is a political observer

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