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Cooperation Agreement Evidence of Commitment Towards a Stable and Sustainable ASEAN Region


Jakarta – The holding of the 2023 ASEAN Summit in Labuan Bajo, NTT is one of the moments for ASEAN member countries to establish cooperation both bilaterally and multilaterally. This is proof that the ASEAN Summit is one of the triggers for commitment to create a stable and sustainable ASEAN Region.

President Joko Widodo conveyed the need for comprehensive cooperation among ASEAN countries. This cooperation can have a broad meaning because it can play a role as a guardian of regional stability and peace and ASEAN’s central role in making Southeast Asia a center of economic growth.

“I hope that cooperation with fellow ASEAN countries can strengthen the Southeast Asian region so that collectively it is able to face global challenges,” said the President.

Apart from that, technological advances and the development of the digital world are also worthy things to be explored as an initial assessment to establish cooperation with ASEAN countries.

With the progress and development of the digital world, internet interconnectivity has recently been created so that this has the potential to be utilized in a digital-based economy. This potential is mainly present in new technology ecosystems such as Big Data Analytic, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain to Artificial Intelligent (AI) Technology.

The important role of data cannot be denied anymore, even the Director General of Informatics Applications, Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo), Semuel Abrijani Pangerapan stated that indeed with progress in the current technological sphere, data is a very important key to open digital markets.

“The importance of data in the digital information era to be able to open the digital market, so it’s no wonder that every country has also developed a personal data protection governance system based on their respective legal and cultural systems so that the whole community is also able to make maximum use of it,” said Semuel.

It is not without reason that this is considered very important, because now is the era of all-digital technology, but on the other hand the risks and problems in this regard have also increased, starting from the flow of data to reach the technical, practical and conceptual aspects. Indonesia itself, which is the chairman of ASEAN, continues to take advantage of this momentum, especially for the government to be able to develop digital transformation in an inclusive manner.

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