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Create a Conducive Climate Ahead of the 2024 Election


Create a conducive democratic climate ahead of the rapid implementation of democracy in the upcoming 2024 election. All parties have the same responsibility so that the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is not faced with the threat of division and brotherhood among the people is maintained in harmony.

Based on the Decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) Number 67/PUU-XIX/2021, the design of simultaneous National Elections (Elections) chosen by the legislators for the upcoming 2024 law is to implement simultaneous elections in two stages.

It should be noted that in the first stage, namely simultaneous elections to elect members of the People’s Representative Council (DPR RI), Regional Representative Council (DPD), President and Vice President, to members of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD). Then for the second stage, regional elections (Pilkada) were carried out simultaneously nationally.

With the synchronization of the implementation time, both when voting and inaugurating the elected candidate pairs, it is hoped that it will be able to create effectiveness and efficiency of development policies both between the regions and the center.

Ahead of holding the 2024 general election democratic party, Constitutional Justice, Enny Nurbaningsih invited all Indonesian people to prepare for this simultaneous democratic party. According to him, by holding elections, he is able to create a just democratic life.

Because the implementation of the General Election is in sight, a number of elite political parties (political parties) began to make several visits and also their political safaris to the Golkar Party, namely the National Democratic Party (NasDem), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and also the Awakening Party. Nation (PKB).

Commenting on the increasing number of political safari activities, Senior Researcher from the Political Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (PRP-BRIN), Firman Noor believes that the recent gathering between political party elites is an attempt to consolidate the situation conducive towards the upcoming 2024 Election.

Not only related to consolidation to create more conducive conditions in the election, but he also considered that the meeting was also to carry out the election schedule in accordance with the provisions and support for an open proportional election system.

In line with this statement, the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the PKS, Habib Aboe Bakar al Habsyi stated that the national visit his party made to Golkar was an attempt to maintain a conducive democratic process and climate in the country ahead of the 2024 Election. According to him, political parties as the main actors in the 2024 Legislative and Presidential Elections must maintain a cool democratic climate.

He also expressed his appreciation for the efforts that have been made by every component of the nation in ensuring a conducive national political atmosphere, as well as for continuing to maintain a conducive democratic climate approaching the 2024 Pileg and Presidential Elections.

Furthermore, according to him, it is indeed very important for political parties to continue to be committed to developing dialogue with other political parties as one of the pillars of democracy in Indonesia. With this gathering or political tour, it is one of the main political forces that does have the potential to create social and political stability for this nation.

Habib Aboe Bakar al Habsyi also explained that an open proportional system is far more suitable for the progress of democracy in the country. So according to him there shouldn’t be a setback to the rear by instead re-implementing a closed proportional system, because what is currently running is right to continue in the 2024 Election.

Firmly, he stated that a healthy democracy must continue to be ensured and also that all parties have a shared responsibility to make it happen. Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of the Golkar Party, Ahmad Doli, did mention that the meeting discussed how efforts to maintain a better democratic atmosphere.

According to him, the meeting discussed the maturity of national and state life as a big nation like Indonesia, of course through prospective consolidation so that the atmosphere of democratic life in the country would be healthier.

On another occasion, the Head of the Cilacap City Police, Kombes Pol Fannky Ani Sugiharto invited the whole community to be able to create a conducive climate ahead of the 2024 Election. He also appealed to the public to avoid the practice of identity politics which can divide community harmony.

The 2024 elections are in sight, so it is indeed the duty of all elements of the nation to always create a conducive and healthy democratic climate so that the running of a democratic party does not actually become an arena to divide the harmony that has existed among the people and threaten the stability of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

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