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Create a conducive situation during the 2024 Legislative Election Dispute Decision Hearing


 By : Gavin Asadit )*    

The 2024 General Election of Members of the People’s Representative Council, Regional Representative Council and Regional People’s Representative Council (Legislative Election 2024) is one of the important moments in Indonesia’s democratic journey.

During this period, the people will determine their representatives in the legislative body for the next five years. However, it is not uncommon for this election process to face disputes that can affect security, political and social stability. Therefore, all parties are obliged to support and accept the final results of the PHPU trial regarding the 2024 Legislative Election dispute. In this way, they have indirectly contributed positively in creating a conducive situation.

The 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg) dispute decision hearing period is a fragile situation and is prone to provocations from groups that do not have good ethics in maintaining democracy. With this, society has the responsibility to maintain a conducive situation. The way to do this is by providing support for the results of the 2024 legislative election dispute and to the authorities who have created a better democratic climate in Indonesia, thereby creating national political stability.  

To maintain a conducive situation during the 2024 Legislative Election dispute decision period, cooperation and active participation are needed from all relevant parties. The government, political parties, law enforcement agencies and civil society must work together to create a safe and peaceful atmosphere. They must unite to provide a good democratic space, give confidence to the legislative election dispute tribunal apparatus and accept all decisions and not carry out provocative actions that could trigger a commotion. Basically, the realization of a conducive situation and security is the most important factor in maintaining a healthy democracy so that it has a positive impact on all elements of society.

Everyone must have a role, the government has a role to show a strong commitment to democracy and maintaining justice in the dispute resolution process. Meanwhile, the community trusts law enforcers and accepts the results of the decisions. Security forces also play a role in carrying out preventive measures such as improving security. This is an effort to prevent various efforts that could disrupt security stability after the 2024 Legislative Election.  

Apart from that, political parties also have a responsibility to support a conducive situation during the 2024 Legislative Election dispute decision period. Political parties must prioritize the spirit of democracy and respect legitimate election results. . They must be able to communicate intensively with various parties and work together in resolving PHPU disputes peacefully and constructively.

Law enforcement agencies also have a very important role in maintaining a conducive situation during the 2024 legislative election dispute decision period. They must act independently and neutrally in handling election disputes. Fair and transparent law enforcement will give the public confidence that the decisions taken are the result of an objective process and are not influenced by certain political interests.

Apart from that, civil society also has an equally important role in supporting a conducive situation during the 2024 Legislative Election dispute decision period. Civil society must continue to educate themselves about the importance of democracy and respecting legitimate election results. They must also play an active role in monitoring the election process and reporting any violations that occur to law enforcement agencies.

Another element that has a strategic role in maintaining a conducive situation is religious organizations. As emphasized by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Hadi Tjahjanto, that religious organizations such as Nahdatul Ulama (NU) have a very big role to play in contributing to a conducive situation during the 2024 legislative election dispute decision period

. Nahdatul Ulama (NU) figures also conveyed the same thing. Chairman of PBNU, KH Yahya Cholil Staquf (Gus Yahya), that NU is committed to playing an active role and contributing to creating a conducive situation, by building cooperation with various authorities and stakeholders. This is done so that the benefits of implementing the 2024 Legislative Election can be felt directly by the entire community.

In creating a conducive situation, it is also important to avoid the spread of fake news or hoaxes that can trigger conflict and social tension. The public must be wise in filtering the information they receive and verifying its truth before sharing it with others. This is where the role of mass media is needed to provide correct and responsible information.

As emphasized by the Minister of Communication and Information, Budi Arie Setiadi, who appealed to all elements of society to help maintain the situation during the 2024 Legislative Election dispute trial so that it remains conducive. One of them is by not spreading hoax news or content, hate speech or even content that demeans human dignity. Apart from that, all elements of the nation must also take an active role in creating a conducive situation so that the results of the 2024 legislative election dispute decisions can have a positive impact on all elements of society.

In the end, it is important for all parties to play an active role and support the creation of a conducive situation during the 2024 Legislative Election dispute decision period, despite differences and political views. On the other hand, the government, political parties, law enforcement agencies and civil society must work together to maintain security, justice and democracy by upholding democratic values, so that we can ensure that all legal processes in the 2024 legislative election disputes can be accounted for.

)* The author is a Political and Security Observer

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