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Deradicalization Program Effectively Fights Forbidden Concepts


By: Abdul Fatah

The public appreciates the Government’s various efforts to ward off illicit beliefs, including through the deradicalization program. This activity is considered effective because it uses a more humanist approach to radical groups.

Do you remember the bombing that took place outside Java? Or the assault by a woman with a gun? These events occurred because they were masterminded by members of the radicals. Radicalism becomes a dangerous scourge because it poisons the minds of its members, then they are willingly ordered to be bomb brides and die tragically.

The government is trying hard so that radicalism does not take root in Indonesia. Don’t let this country be destroyed because of radicalism. The reason is that radical groups want to change the principle of democracy into a caliphate, even though it is not in accordance with the condition of the pluralistic and diverse Indonesian society.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD stated that the handling of radicalism would be carried out across ministries. In a sense, there should be no officials and staff involved in radicalism, because it is very dangerous. If only one person is involved in radicalism, then he can take advantage of his position to plan for radical groups that lead to crimes, such as bombings and other terrors.

To prevent radicalism among the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), a strict screening was held. Those who have been appointed as ASN, if caught being a member of a radical group, will receive a very harsh warning. Even the sanction can be dismissal, if they persist in being members of a radical group. The reason is, as state servants they must be loyal to the state, while radical groups are traitors.

Prevention has also been carried out since the Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) test. Those who register as ASN candidates must be ensured that they are free from terrorism and radicalism. The way to investigate is also quite easy, because in this internet era, the CPNS committee only needs to look at the participant’s social media accounts. If he is caught blaspheming the government and glorifying jihad, then he is most likely involved in radicalism, and will not pass the CPNS test.

Prevention of radicalism is also carried out in schools and universities. Do not let students and students get lost because they are involved in cases of radicalism. Teachers are also advised not to be exposed to radicalism, because it can lead to dismissal. Students should also be vigilant, do not want to be persuaded by radicals with the lure of free seminars or other methods.

To overcome those who have already been poisoned by radicalism, a deradicalization program is held. The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) is a state agency that has the right to do so. BNPT also cooperates with local governments and ministries or institutions, in carrying out deradicalization.

The first deradicalization process is identification, then assessment, rehabilitation, re-education, and social re-identification. Identification is the process by which suspects in terrorism cases are identified and assessed directly. Meanwhile, other terrorist convicts get identification every 6 months, for monitoring.

Rehabilitation is a process to treat the thoughts of terrorist prisoners who have already been damaged due to being swept away by the currents of radicalism. They need to be made aware that terrorism and radicalism are wrong, because they do not match the personality of the Indonesian people. In fact, terrorism will destroy this country because it always threatens with bombing.

Re-education is teaching again that being human should not be dragged into the current of radicalism. Radicalism is wrong because it justifies all means, including bombings. In fact, it is a murder and a sin, and violates the human rights of others.

Radicalism is eradicated sporadically by the government, so that radical groups do not run rampant in Indonesia. Prevention of radicalism must be carried out, starting from the level of ministries, state institutions, to schools. Deradicalization is also carried out so that terrorist prisoners are aware that their actions have been gravely wrong.

The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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