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DPR RI Pushes for Strengthening Economic Fundamentals Through the Approval of Perppu Ciptaker


The Indonesian economy needs regulations that can strengthen economic fundamentals. This apparently sparked members of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) to approve the Job Creation Perppu Draft Law (RUU) to become Job Creation (UU).

The Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR RI has approved this, where later the Perppu Bill on Job Creation will be brought to the plenary session of the DPR RI, for level II decision making to be carried out and passed into law (UU).

​This was carried out at a government working meeting with the DPR Baleg to make a decision on the level I discussion on the Draft Work Creation Perppu Bill into Law, at the DPR Building, Jakarta.

​On this occasion, Airlangga Hartarto as the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Mahfud MD as the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security, Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut Tauhid Sa’adi, as well as representatives from the DPR RI faction were present at the working meeting, signing the approval of the DPR RI legislation on the Bill on the Determination of the Perppu on Job Creation becomes law.

​Airlangga Hartarto said that the government had heard the views of the factions and gave appreciation, both those that provided support and those that refused. Of course, all these records will always serve as input for the government in implementing the Law on the Determination of the Job Creation Perppu to become a law later.

​He explained, in anticipating developments in the dynamics of the global economy which could have a significant impact on the national economy and job creation, the government also issued Perppu Number 2 of 2022 concerning Job Creation as an anticipatory policy in strengthening domestic economic fundamentals through structural reforms.

​The stipulation of the Job Creation Perppu is a constitutional implementation of the President’s attributive authority based on article 22 of the 1945 Constitution. However, the exercise of this authority is also limited where the Perppu must be submitted to the DPR for approval. Thus the subjectivity of the President in enacting a Perppu will be assessed objectively by the DPR so that it can be enacted into a law.

Airlangga also said that the Job Creation Perppu was able to provide legal certainty and benefits that could be received by the community, MSME players, business actors and workers for the implementation of the Job Creation Law, so that these benefits could be continued.

​In connection with the implementation of the Constitutional Court (MK) Decision on the Job Creation Law, the government together with the DPR have implemented the decision, namely the Omnibus Law method has been regulated in drafting the law, furthermore improvements have been made to the technical writing errors contained in the Job Creation Law and the government has also increases meaningful participation . Since the Job Creation Law came into force, ministries/agencies have conducted outreach and public consultations 610 times and 29 times by the Job Creation Socialization Task Force .

​On the previous occasion, Sari Pramono as Chair of the Labor, Vocational and Health Division of the Central Governing Body (BPP) of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI), said the Job Creation Law would create more jobs. Indonesia’s workforce will also have a decent income.

​He believes that the Job Creation Law can create a conducive investment and business climate. Especially in the MSME industry, so that it can compete at the global level.

​Pramono said the ratification of the Ciptaker Law could reduce problems and obstacles for the industry. With the existence of the Omnibus Law, it is hoped that this regulation can attract investment interest in order to increase the capacity of the national MSME industry.

Meanwhile, Indonesian Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said that the Ciptaker Law had the goal of creating a conducive climate for investment and the business world.

This law

​Therefore , reform through the new law is also needed so that the government becomes more responsive, fast and makes it easier for all parties

The Ciptaker Law also supports MSMEs to make it easier to run their business, one of which is the ease and certainty of the licensing process through OSS (Online Single Submission).

The Job Creation Law is a win-win solution presented by the government for various problems that have so far occurred in the field of business and employment management.

These various

​So that there are no more complicated arrangements when there are investors who want to invest in Indonesia.

​Moreover, previously investors were hesitant when they wanted to invest their capital in Indonesia, considering that licensing for business establishment in Indonesia is very convoluted and layered.

It is appropriate to strengthen

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