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Economic Expert: President-elect Prabowo’s Program Will Surely Run Smoothly


The baton of government from the Joko Widodo administration to the president-elect Prabowo Subianto is being prepared.

This was conveyed by an economic expert from Bung Karno University, Faisyal Chaniago. He said that in the selection of Prabowo’s cabinet later, he could follow the example of President Jokowi’s governance style.

“President Jokowi’s government approach can also be emulated by Prabowo, namely with a soft approach, how he embraces all his political competitors so that they are involved in his cabinet,” said Faisyal Chaniago to reporters in Jakarta, Tuesday (24/09).

This was also stated by the Director of the School of Global Strategic Studies and UI Economic Observer, Athor Subroto.

That President Jokowi’s message to his ministers is clear to support the program of President-elect Prabowo Subianto.
“President Jokowi’s message to his staff to support Prabowo’s cabinet can be a market signal that he wants this transition to be successful, because good leadership must be continued, because if it cannot be continued then it will be a problem,” he said.

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