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Encouraging Neutrality of State Apparatus During the 2024 Election


The government shows strong confidence in maintaining the neutrality of the state civil service (ASN) and members of the TNI/Polri during the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). This belief was expressed by the Chief of Presidential Staff, Moeldoko, at the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology’s Bokohumas Thematic Forum which took place at Pullman Thamrin on November 23 2023.

Moeldoko highlighted the importance of maintaining neutrality as the main prerequisite for ensuring a quality and trustworthy democratic process. A clear legal basis has been implemented to guarantee the neutrality of ASN and TNI/Polri during the elections. The General Election Commission (KPU) Regulations, the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Regulations, and the TNI/Polri ASN Law are binding guidelines, ensuring that every individual involved in public or military service complies with the established rules.

Moeldoko also revealed that TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto had initiated the formation of complaint posts spread across various TNI headquarters and offices throughout Indonesia. The complaint post is not only a channel for TNI soldiers to report violations of neutrality, but also a forum for active community participation in monitoring and ensuring the integrity of the election process.

Moeldoko highlighted the community’s ability to monitor the behavior of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and members of the TNI/Polri at this time. He emphasized the importance of transparency and active participation from the community as the main key in maintaining the integrity and neutrality of the ongoing process. This is an effort to prevent the negative influence of prejudice and baseless assumptions on the ongoing democratic process.

At the same time, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD also gave a serious warning regarding the neutrality of the state apparatus. At the 73rd MNC Forum with the theme “Law Enforcement: A Bridge to a Golden Indonesia 2024”, Mahfud MD emphasized that TNI, Polri and ASN soldiers must act neutrally during the 2024 Election.

Mahfud MD reminded that the public had closely monitored the behavior of officials during the campaign and election period. Neutrality is not only a legal obligation, but also a form of respect for direct orders from President Joko Widodo. Currently, the public is closely monitoring every action of the authorities, including the TNI-Polri and ASN. If there is non-neutrality from these parties, this is considered a form of insult to the President, TNI Commander and National Police Chief.

Direct instructions from the President to guarantee neutrality during the elections must be obeyed with all loyalty, and any form of non-neutrality is considered an attitude that is contrary to the direction of the country’s highest leadership. It is hoped that this effort will become a means for TNI soldiers to report all forms of neutrality violations that they witness or experience during the elections.

TNI involvement in elections must be neutral. The National Police Chief has taken concrete steps by emphasizing that police officers must not provide assistance to political parties, whether in the form of receiving money, distributing funds, transferring or other activities. The Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) has also adopted a similar approach.

If there is non-neutrality, the parties concerned must be careful. Violations of this kind are not sterile, and can open gaps for forces that have the potential to shake the stability and integrity of democracy. This statement was delivered in a serious tone, showing awareness of the serious risks that could arise if neutrality was not properly maintained.

The government emphasizes that the neutrality of ASN, TNI and Polri in the 2024 elections is not an option, but an absolute obligation. With a strong legal basis and concrete steps that have been taken, it is hoped that this neutrality can be well maintained, ensuring that the democratic process runs honestly, fairly and peacefully.

The public is invited to participate in monitoring, to be at the forefront in reporting all forms of violations, so that the 2024 Election becomes a reflection of the maturity of Indonesian democracy.

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