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Encouraging the Role of Religious and Traditional Leaders in Papua in Freeing Susi Air Pilots


The government continues to try to free Susi Air plane pilot Phillip Mark Mehrtens who is currently being held hostage by KST Papua. The government and security forces have made various efforts to free them, one of which is through a persuasive approach taken by the figures. Apart from that, the Government, through the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, is also coordinating intensively with the Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Efforts to release them have been made by the TNI and Polri, by continuing negotiations. It’s just that until now negotiations with KST Papua have not reached an agreement. This time, the government is trying to collaborate with religious and community leaders in efforts to free the Susi Air pilot, including by approaching the church. 

The pilot of the Susi Air plane, Phillip Mark Mehrtens, was held hostage by KST Papua led by Egianus Kogoya since February 7 2023, shortly after landing his plane at Paro Airport, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains. The plane piloted by a pilot from New Zealand was then burned by KST Papua led by Egianus Kogoya. 

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Hadi Tjahjanto has met with three figures from Nduga, Papua, to discuss efforts to free pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens who was held hostage by KST Papua through a church approach.

In releasing the Susi Air pilot, Hadi Tjahjanto emphasized that the priority of the approach taken was non-military. The church approach was chosen because the majority of people in Papua adhere to Christianity and Catholicism. Through the church’s approach, it is believed that they could easily approach the hostage takers to free the pilot. Hadi did not explain technically the church’s approach method in question. He only explained that this was just a plan that had not yet been realized.

Hadi Tjahjanto emphasized that his party asked religious leaders to commit to maintaining national unity. Because Indonesia is a large and diverse nation. The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs explained that the role of religious figures is very vital. He gave the example of community figures such as those in Papua who are really listened to by the people. It is impossible for a congregation to violate the advice given by his Father. Moreover, if it violates the law.

Padjadjaran University International Relations Observer, Arfin Sudirman, said that the government’s efforts to use a church approach to free pilot Philip Mark Mehrtens who was still being held hostage by KST Papua were used to ensure there were no civilian casualties. By using this identity approach, it is hoped that the Papuan KST led by Egianus Kogoya will be able to listen more to the government’s demands because parties with close identities generally have higher influence than the state.

Arfin Sudirman added that the government’s efforts were considered to maintain good relations with New Zealand. Apart from that, there is an agreement between the Indonesian government and the New Zealand government that a persuasive approach must be prioritized over a repressive approach in efforts to free pilot Philip.

Identity-based approaches such as religion or ethnicity can sometimes be used as an alternative to the repressive approach taken by the state to free hostages. Generally this approach is taken in conflict areas where kidnapping is common. For example, when Sunni Arab Muslim figures asked for the release of Christian peace activists who were kidnapped during the conflict in Iraq in 2005.

Apart from that, a religion-based approach has also been used in the hostage-taking incident that occurred in Haiti. Where Pope Francis begs the kidnappers to free the nuns held hostage by an armed group in Port-au-Prince. 

Therefore, the church approach used by the government was used to ensure that there were no civilian casualties, especially pilot Philip from New Zealand. Although this depends on which religious figures are asked by the government to make persuasive efforts.

Secretary General of PP Muhammadiyah, Abdul Mu’ti, said that his party was ready to provide advice to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs regarding efforts to free the Susi Air pilot. He said this when the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs visited PP Muhammadiyah. Not only with militaristic approaches, but there are also approaches that involve religious leaders, religious institutions, and the complexity of the Papuan problem needs to be carried out with a welfare approach.

Mu’ti felt that there was a need for the involvement of Christian or Catholic leaders. He believes that Christians or Catholics have more access to Papuan problems because the majority of the Papuan population are Christians and Catholics. PP Muhammadiyah itself supports all approaches to freeing the Susi Air pilot. However, it does not prioritize a military approach.

The release of Susi Air Phillip Mark Mehrtens, hostage, requires strong cooperation from various elements of society, especially religious and community leaders. Their role is really needed to accelerate the release of hostages because they are considered to have more emotional, social and spiritual closeness. Therefore, it is hoped that religious and community leaders can support the government in its efforts to release the Susi Air pilot optimally without causing other victims.

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