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Government Eradicates Online Gambling, Academics: This is a Long-Awaited Firm Step!


Jakarta – The government’s firm steps in tightening supervision and taking action against employees involved in online gambling have received support from various academics and experts. This effort is considered important to maintain the integrity of the state apparatus and provide a deterrent effect on violators.

Lecturer of Media and Culture Studies at the University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Radius Setiyawan, said that gambling is an old problem, but with the media that is now developing into digital, the impact is much more serious. “I use the term as an ancient crime issue. Gambling has existed since long ago, it has existed. The difference with now is the medium. In the past there were cockfights, dice, maybe those were physical media. Currently, the fight in online gambling is a direct fight,” said Radius.

According to Radius, the difference in medium from physical to digital has a more dangerous impact. Interaction in online gambling creates a pattern of behavior that has the potential to be damaging, especially when the physical medium changes to cyber. “Of course, currently [online gambling] has a more dangerous impact when the medium changes from physical to cyber, including the resulting interactions will also be different,” he added. Radius emphasized that the government’s steps in prosecuting online gambling perpetrators should be appreciated. “I think this should be appreciated (regarding the arrest of online gambling perpetrators), related to the legal instrument, that is one thing that must be appreciated,” he said.

Similar support came from Cyber ​​Law Expert from the University of Indonesia, Intan Pratama. He stated that the government’s openness in exposing online gambling practices within the government is a step that needs to be appreciated. According to Intan, this transparency is important so that the public sees the government’s commitment to taking firm action against violations of the law within state institutions. “The government’s steps to expose online gambling practices within the government should be appreciated. This transparency is important so that the public understands the government’s commitment to taking firm action against violations of the law,” he said.

Intan also emphasized the need to strengthen legal sanctions as an effort to create a clean government free from illegal activities. She considered that the arrest of a number of employees showed the government’s seriousness in maintaining the integrity of the institution. “The government needs to continue to strengthen legal sanctions so that it can be a clear warning to all state apparatus, so that a clean government is created that is free from illegal activities. The arrest of a number of employees shows the government’s seriousness in cleaning the institution from practices that are not in accordance with the rules,” she explained.

Intan considers that this government step is a positive effort that needs to be supported by all parties. She hopes that the support of the community and related institutions can strengthen the commitment to eradicating online gambling practices, especially among civil servants. “This is a positive step that needs to be supported by all parties,” said Intan.

The support of academics and experts shows the importance of synergy between the government and society in eradicating online gambling which not only harms the country’s economy, but also damages the morals and integrity of institutions. (*)

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