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HLF-MSP and IAF II: Indonesia Strengthens Cross-Collaboration to Achieve SDGs 2030


By: Arthur Tendean

(International Relations Observer, Diaspora Institute)

The High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships (HLF MSP) or the 2024 High-Level Forum on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships is an international event that will be one of the proofs for Indonesia as a “Host” who has a strategic role in the forum. By being held in Bali, HLF MSP is an important momentum for Indonesia to demonstrate global leadership in strengthening cross-sectoral solidarity and collaboration.

The forum, which will be held on 1-3 September 2024 in Bali, will not only continue Indonesia’s success in leading world forums, but will also be a manifestation of Indonesia’s commitment to sustainable and inclusive development.

HLF MSP 2024 will be a real proof of how Indonesia is able to build multi-party partnerships, starting from the government, civil society organizations, the private sector, to academics. This forum is expected to be a catalyst for innovative solutions in facing global challenges, as well as strengthening Indonesia’s role as a leader in efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030.

With the theme “Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Towards a Transformative Change,” HLF MSP 2024 has brought together around 1,000 participants from various countries and international organizations to jointly discuss solutions to pressing global issues, including efforts to narrow the development gap between countries in the South and the North.

Emphasis on the importance of collaboration between stakeholders to strengthen collective action in order to ensure inclusive collaboration and cooperation, finding innovative solutions to solve global problems that we know are increasingly complex.

The implementation of HLF MSP 2024 is also projected to create a strong multiplier effect on the local economy of Bali. This forum is expected to increase Bali’s economic growth, especially in the accommodation, food and beverage sectors, as well as the tourism and trade sectors. This event will have a positive impact on both the micro and macro economic levels in Bali. The increasing number of visitors, both domestic and foreign, during HLF MSP 2024 will drive local economic growth by increasing demand for accommodation, food and beverages, as well as transportation services and tourist destinations.

Meanwhile, at the same time an international event was also held, namely the Indonesia-African Forum (IAF). This event will be held in conjunction with the High-Level Forum on Multi Stakeholder Partnership (HLF MSP) also held in Bali at the same time.

The Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI), Puan Maharani said that the Indonesian parliament has a strategic role because of its long history in efforts to strengthen cooperation with countries in the African region. If in 1955 the government played a dominant role in encouraging Asia-Africa cooperation, now in 2024, the parliament is an important factor in strengthening relations between the two continents.

It is hoped that IAF 2024 can improve relations between African countries and Indonesia. The forum with the theme “Strengthening the Indonesia-Africa Parliamentary Partnership for Development” will provide benefits to people in both regions in responding to the challenges of global dynamics, as well as contributing to peace and prosperity.

The close cooperation between Indonesia and African countries, which has strong historical roots since the 1955 Asia-Africa Conference, is now re-emphasized through the theme of Bandung Spirit for Africa’s Agenda 2063 .

The closeness between Indonesia and African countries will play an important role in developing mutually beneficial development cooperation.

As a developing country with abundant natural resources and a large population, Indonesia and African countries have similar interests in strengthening collaboration in four priority sectors: food security, energy security, health security and mineral security.

African countries have great potential for Indonesia to diversify export markets, commodity supplies and foreign investment.

On the other hand, this cooperation can open up new opportunities to increase economic connectivity and strengthen diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Africa.

For IAF cooperation, Indonesia is targeting business deals worth US$3.5 billion (Rp. 56.07 trillion) to be achieved between various Indonesian industries and African countries in the 2nd IAF.

Indonesia is also targeting the achievement of an agreement between the Government or Government to Government (G2G), including a free trade agreement, Free Trade Area (FTA) with African countries, as well as the inauguration of a major plan related to development cooperation between Indonesia and Africa in the 2nd IAF.

Indonesia and Africa have a space for cooperation that can still be developed in the future. Overall, Indonesia and Africa have a total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 4.4 trillion US dollars or around Rp 68 thousand trillion.

In addition, Indonesia and Africa have a total population of 1.7 billion people. This is 60 percent of the total population of Indonesia is included in the productive age. While 40 percent of the population of Africa is also included in that category.

Thus, Indonesia’s strategic role in the two events in the HLF MSP Forum and IAF 2024 is very important so that priority issues can be discussed and solutions can be sought together. Which means that Indonesia is a country that should be reckoned with in the international arena with all its successes so far in organizing international-scale activities and becoming a “bridge” for countries in the world.

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