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Holds Rapimnas, PPP Ready to Decide Presidential Candidates in 2024 Election Contest


Sleman – The United Development Party (PPP) held a national leadership meeting (Rapimnas) in Sleman, Yogyakarta, Tuesday (25/4), discussing the development of the political situation and readiness for the 2024 Election.

Plt. PPP Chairperson Muhammad Mardiono said that one of the rapimnas agendas was to ensure that the preparations for all PPP cadres in facing the contestation for the 2024 election would go well administratively and technically.

“PPP is currently very open in contesting the 2024 election, including in supporting the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential candidacy,” said Mardiono.

According to him, with the dynamics of national politics which are currently running very dynamically, we must be ready to cooperate with internal and external parties for common goals for progress and mutual benefit.

In addition, he continued, even though PPP is part of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB), this will not interfere with PPP’s choices or political stance in supporting a particular presidential candidate.

“If it is felt that it meets the requirements and has a noble purpose, then we will fully support it,” he said.

Recently, the dynamics of national politics have developed significantly, especially regarding the presidential and vice presidential candidates

Related to this, PPP Secretary General Arwani Thomafi asked that all PPP cadres, apart from having to prepare legislative candidates from the DPR RI to DPRD levels, must also prepare presidential and cawapres candidates.

“One of the interesting national political dynamics is the presidential and vice presidential candidates,” said Arwani.

Arwani reminded that there are a number of names of figures who have been officially declared by political parties as presidential candidates. And, several figures have also strengthened to become vice presidential candidates even though they have not been officially declared.

The meeting also followed up PPP’s political stance in dealing with a number of issues, starting from the political issue of open/closed elections, and the issue of postponing elections.

Rapimnas V PPP was attended by around 100 people, several figures who were present including the Chairman of the PPP DPP Honorary Council H. Zarkasih Nur and the Chairperson of the PPP DPP Advisory Council HM Romahurmuziy. []

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