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IKN Nusantara Advancing Cultural Village in Kutai Kertanegara


The Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) is predicted to be a modern place but does not forget the local culture. Of course the development of the National Archipelago’s IKN will have a positive impact because the IKN has not lost its attractiveness from a cultural standpoint.

Head of the Dayak Kenyah Traditional Institute (LADK) Kab. Kukar said the development of the Nusantara National Science Center had a positive impact on the development of the progress of the Dayak Kenyah cultural village in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan. There are three Dayak Kenyah cultural villages in Kutai Kartanegara that have selling points for tourists and IKN residential residents, including the Cultural Village, Sungai Bawang, Muara Badak District, Lung Anai Cultural Village, Loa Kulu District, and Lekaq Kidau Cultural Village, Sebulu District.

The presence of the IKN certainly maximizes the management of the Dayak Kenyah cultural village, so that it will be attractive to tourists and become a regional asset. The Dayak Kenyah community also welcomes the construction of the National Archipelagic Institute in East Kalimantan and wants to work together with the Archipelagic National Institute of Authority to improve the quality of human resources (HR). The presence of IKN Nusantara will expand employment opportunities for the Dayak Kenyah community.

There will be at least 5,000 Dayak Kenyah people spread across 21 villages in Kutai Kartanegara. Related to this, the Dayak Kenyah community in Kutai Kartanegara has also committed to maintaining and preserving their living habits, customs and culture.

Meanwhile, Jahab Village in Tenggarong District is one of the areas that has the potential to become a new cultural village. Therefore, his party encourages this potential to really be accelerated to welcome the transfer of IKN from Jakarta to East Kalimantan.

The Dayak Kenyah community also welcomes the construction of the National Archipelagic Sciences Institute in East Kalimantan. Then, the Dayak Kenyah community wants to synergize with the IKN Nusantara Authority Board (BO) in order to improve the quality of human resources (HR). The presence of IKN Nusantara will expand employment opportunities for its people.

On the other hand, with tourist destinations that attract tourists, of course the life of the Dayak Kenyah people in Kutai Kartanegara Regency will change with the presence of IKN Nusantara. The Dayak Kenyah people’s economy is certainly improving, especially in the upstream areas. Infrastructure access will also be connected and improved with the IKN.

Local governments can also collaborate with Customary Institutions to prepare cultural villages. So that tourists who will come and want to see the culture of the Dayak Kenyah do not need to go far to the Mahakam area.

On a different occasion, the Head of the Putak Traditional Culture Village, Yulius Lamus was very pleased with the existence of the National Archipelagic Sciences which would have a positive impact on the continuity of the unique culture of the land of Borneo, namely Adat Putak.

Yulius said, currently Putak Traditional Village has indeed become a tourist destination that promises to be able to further develop along with the rise of the Archipelago IKN.

He is sure that the more Putak Cultural Village is introduced, the more it will have an impact on the economic and social growth of the local community. Especially if it is able to attract tourists.

Yulius also explained that Putak Traditional Village continues to hold activities as part of increasing cultural literacy activities for the community, as well as a venue for promoting the potential of the community there.

He also said that the Kampung Putak cultural party festival had even received awards at the district and provincial levels of East Kalimantan. As in 2021, the Dance Studio from Kampung Putak was also promoted to appear nationally at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah to promote the Kampung Putak tourist village.

Apart from that, East Kalimantan also has the Belian Paser Nondoi Culture which can certainly be an attraction for tourists who want to get to know the culture in Kalimantan. The Belian Paser Nondo cultural festival is a traditional ritual for cleaning the village from unwanted things, the ritual is led by a mulung (traditional shaman).

The Belian Paser Nondoi traditional ritual has the meaning of life for the Paser people, namely respecting their ancestors so that they get abundant results while working. Usually this traditional ritual lasts all night and closes with a meal with everyone present.

Residents living in East Kalimantan are generally a multi-ethnic population who have inhabited Kalimantan lands for a long time. So that it is not only the economic aspects that need to be considered but also the socio-cultural aspects so that culture shock does not occur.

The Cultural Village in Kutai Kartanegara must have a role in advancing IKN, especially from the cultural sector. Because after all, it is impossible for the development of IKN in Kalimantan to abandon the local culture.

Later IKN will become an example of Indonesia’s progress and transformation on various fronts. President Joko Widodo also wanted to show IKN as an example of transforming a country, both in terms of environment, way of working, economic base and technology. Including accelerating the improvement of the quality of health and education, as well as a social order that is tolerant and upholds public ethics.

)* The author is a contributor to the Cross Nusamedia Institute

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