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Increasing Nationalism among Santri Students Prevents the Spread of Radical Views


In recent years, the phenomenon of increasing nationalism among Islamic students has become an important focus in efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism in Indonesia. Santri, as a group that has a strategic role in education and spreading Islamic values ​​in society, has great potential to become a significant agent of change in maintaining the integrity and peace of the nation.

The increase in nationalism among Islamic boarding schools can be seen from the various programs and curricula implemented in many Islamic boarding schools. Pancasila education, the history of the nation’s struggle, and the values ​​of pluralism and tolerance are often integrated into the Islamic boarding school curriculum. They not only learn a moderate understanding of religion, but also emphasize the importance of maintaining national unity and unity. Through lectures, recitations and various religious activities, nationalist values ​​are inserted in a way that is relevant and easy for the students to understand.

Increasing nationalism among Islamic students is an effective strategy in preventing the spread of radical ideology. Strong nationalism can be a bulwark for Islamic boarding school students in facing the influence of radical ideology which often tries to disturb the peace of society.

Chairman of the Banten Terrorist Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT), KH Amas Tadjuddin, emphasized that FKPT’s task is to prevent radicalism and terrorism through coordination and collaboration with various parties. In outreach activities to prevent terrorist radicalism on Tunda Island, Tirtayasa, Serang Regency, Banten, KH Amas emphasized the importance of early prevention. The arrival of FKPT Banten to Pulau Tunda does not mean there is radicalism and terrorism, but rather an effort to prevent it early.

KH Amas explained that the target of radicalism groups is to confuse thinking with the slogan of returning to the Koran and hadith, and to affirm anyone who does not agree with their group. During this activity, KH Amas appeared wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, white sarong and black cap, adding to the solemn and dignified atmosphere.

The activity with the theme “The Tunda Island Community is Strongly Religious, Advanced and Nationally Minded” presented the Head of the Banten FKPT Research Division, Endang Saeful Anwar, as a resource person. Endang revealed that religious issues in Banten are very dynamic and open. If anyone claims to be a prophet today, don’t believe it because that is a fundamental issue that cannot be debated.

Apart from that, Endang also touched on furuiyyah, namely branch matters in religion such as prayer procedures and attitudes towards fellow humans which must remain respectful as long as there are arguments, with tolerance, radicalism can be prevented.

Kesbangpol Banten, Agus Hendarwan as another resource person, added that radicalism can be prevented by loving the homeland. Developing national insight must be done by loving the country, studying Indonesian history, obeying laws, carrying out August 17 ceremonies, as well as loving the environment and identifying foreigners by reporting them to Babinsa or Binmas.

The Head of Wargasara Village, Hasyim, appreciated this activity which was attended by the Head of the Public Communication Information Division of the Lebak Regency Government’s Informatics, Statistics and Coding Communication Service (KominfoSP), Sehabudin. The Wargasara community welcomed it enthusiastically and hopes that activities like this will continue because the community must continue to be given guidance.

This activity shows the importance of increasing nationalism among Islamic students and the wider community as an effective effort to prevent the spread of radical ideology. With an approach that involves correct understanding of religion, tolerance and love of the country, society can unite in facing the threat of radicalism and terrorism, as well as maintaining the integrity and peace of the nation.

The increase in nationalism among Islamic students has had a significant positive impact. Santri who have a strong sense of patriotism tend to have a moderate and tolerant attitude. They are better able to ward off the negative influence of radical ideologies that seek to destroy the social and religious order in Indonesia.

Apart from that, students who have strong nationalism also play an active role in various social and community activities. They are not only role models in religious life, but also in national and state life. This contribution is very important in strengthening national resilience amidst the challenges of globalization and rapid social change.

Increasing nationalism among Islamic students is also a strategic step in preventing the spread of radicalism in Indonesia. Through comprehensive education, collaboration with various parties, and the use of technology, Islamic boarding schools have succeeded in instilling strong national values ​​among the students. With strong nationalism, the santri are not only protectors of the peaceful teachings of Islam, but also guardians of the integrity and peace of the nation.

In a broader context, increasing nationalism among Islamic students also contributes to the creation of a more harmonious and tolerant society. They are agents of peace who actively promote interreligious and intercultural dialogue, and play a role in various social initiatives that strengthen national solidarity. In this way, the role of Islamic boarding school students in maintaining the integrity of the nation is increasingly real, not only as guardians of morals and religion, but also as the main pillar in strengthening the unity and integrity of Indonesia amidst the challenges of the times.

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