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Increasing Political Participation of the Young Generation, Real Evidence of a Healthy Democratic Climate in the Era of President Jokowi


By: Chandra Budi Setyo )*

The leadership of the seventh President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, is considered capable of making the political participation of the younger generation experience a very significant spike. The younger generation, who were once considered passive in politics, are now the driving force of change in various sectors.

This trend shows that the democratic climate in Indonesia is increasingly healthy and inclusive. The Head of State has created a conducive space for young people to be actively involved in the political process, from the local to the national level.

Since the man born in 1961 took office, various policies and programs that support the involvement of the younger generation in politics have continued to develop. One concrete step is to encourage young people to participate in general elections, both as voters and as prospective leaders.

This greater political participation not only shows increased political awareness, but also strengthens Indonesian democracy by providing a place for new perspectives and innovations from young people.

The increase in youth participation in politics is inseparable from the ease of access to information that occurs in the digital era. As Head of State, Jokowi has pushed for a massive digital transformation, which has a direct impact on the openness of political information.

Social media, which is the main means of communication for the younger generation, has now become an important platform for spreading political ideas, voicing opinions, and conducting campaigns.

This man, born in Surakarta City, also actively utilizes social media to interact with the public, including the younger generation, thus creating closer and more open political communication.

Moreover, the role of young people is very important, especially as a driving force for political participation, also for marginalized groups who are often the target of interests for certain groups, one of which is in the world of politics.

UIN Saizu Purwokerto lecturer in the field of Community Development Science, Ageng Widodo, assessed that the younger generation can participate in voicing positive provocations from anywhere, especially on social media.

Likewise, women’s activist, Triasih Kartikowati, said that so far many young generations have accompanied and educated marginalized communities to increase their political participation.

In addition, programs that involve young people in decision-making are also continuously encouraged. One example is the political education program held in various regions, which aims to provide a deep understanding of the democratic system and the importance of active participation.

Under President Joko Widodo’s administration, many young people have begun to get involved in political organizations, non-governmental organizations, and social movements aimed at strengthening democracy at the grassroots level.

The inclusive policy implemented by the first President of the Republic of Indonesia who is not from the elite of political parties or the military has created space for the emergence of young leaders. This can be seen in the number of young people who are running as legislative candidates in the 2019 and 2024 elections.

Their presence brings new energy to the world of Indonesian politics, offering fresh ideas that are more relevant to the development of the times. The presence of the younger generation on the political stage not only adds to the dynamics of politics, but also enriches the quality of democracy with the presence of diverse perspectives.

In addition to participating in elections, young people are also involved in various political movements that fight for important issues, such as climate change, human rights, and social justice.

During President Jokowi’s administration, freedom of expression and opinion remains protected, allowing young people to voice their aspirations through peaceful demonstrations, online campaigns, and even petitions.

The government’s attitude of respecting freedom shows maturity in democracy, where differences in political views can be accepted and processed peacefully and constructively.

Not only through formal political channels, many young generations choose to contribute through social movements and community initiatives. Their concern for issues such as education, the environment, and social welfare is clear evidence that young people are no longer apathetic about the future of the nation. Under President Jokowi’s leadership, these initiatives are supported in the form of policies that empower local communities and strengthen civil society.

The increasing trend of young generation political participation is also a positive signal for the future of Indonesian democracy. With the emergence of broader political awareness among young people, Indonesian democracy will be stronger and more responsive to the challenges of the times.

The leaders of this nation have paved the way for the next generation to not only be spectators, but also active players in determining the direction of development and state policies.

In this era of the President’s leadership, Indonesian democracy is not only running on a foundation of stability, but also providing broad space for freedom and public participation, especially the younger generation.

This condition shows that a healthy democratic climate is not only about formal freedom, but also about the active participation of all elements of society. With the increasing involvement of young people, the future of Indonesian democracy looks brighter and more inclusive.

)* Political Observer, Gala Indomedia Institute

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