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New Autonomous Region in Papua Facilitates Handling of Cases of Human Rights Violations


The existence of the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua will make it easier to handle cases of violations of human rights (HAM) that occurred in Cenderawasih Earth, because later public services will become more affordable and the people can feel them directly more quickly.

The Chairperson of the Papua Deliberation Body (Bamus), Willem Frans Ansanay, gave a very high appreciation of how the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) carried out regional expansion in Cenderawasih Earth with the establishment of a New Autonomous Region there.

It is not half-hearted, even with the formation of the Papua New Guinea, it is considered that it will further facilitate efforts in handling all cases of violations of human rights (HAM) that occurred in Indonesia’s easternmost province.

The reason is, until now there are still difficulties regarding efforts to resolve human rights violations, until now there are still quite complicated tangled threads. Thus, with the existence of the New Autonomous Region, it will shorten the span of control of the bureaucracy there and will also allow for an increase in maximum public services.

In addition, efforts to accelerate development are also being intensified by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI), which is believed to be able to make Papua’s future even better and will be able to generate many new hopes in the area.

Furthermore, in assessing the existence of a problem of human rights violations in Cenderawasih Land, one must continue to refer to the provisions in Law (UU) Number 26 of 2000 concerning Acts of Human Rights Violations, which can happen to various rights to life that are owned by many groups at once such as the right to life personally, groups to institutional rights.

Regarding the issue of human rights violations, which happened in Cenderawasih, which at that time was still called West Irian, in fact all these problems have been resolved and now Papua is fully part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). ).

However, even though in fact it has been officially resolved and that at this time Papua itself has become part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia in full, it turns out that there are still some disappointments from a number of parties, which triggers the eruption and widening of their desires which are not in line with the goals of nation and state, that is something that can sometimes create human rights violations, whether it is intentional or unintentional, whether it is committed by a private name individually or as a group.

Regarding efforts to handle cases of human rights violations that occurred in Cenderawasih Land, the Head of the Papua Bamus said that a formal legal approach was indeed a mandate that had been contained in the Law (UU).

Even so, it turns out that several regions in Papua clearly have various characteristics that are different from each other, so efforts to deal with human rights violations using customary law must also be applied. Efforts to resolve cases of human rights violations by applying customary law are also possible to be enforced in Cenderawasih Land.

However, even though it is still possible to resolve human rights violations by using provisions in customary law, it turns out that the use of customary law itself can still be negotiated and discussed, so it is not too phenomenal to harm other parties.

In this way, it remains to be seen how the local Regional Government (Pemda) stands to be able to build good communication with community leaders, traditional leaders to local intellectuals so that the resolution of various human rights cases can be carried out optimally.

The role of the local regional government is also very important because they are able to understand the problems that occur in efforts to resolve human rights violations. Therefore, it must continue to be encouraged to further maximize public services by the local government.

When public services can be carried out maximally and optimally, things that might be feared to become obstacles to efforts to resolve violations of human rights cases in Papua will not be possible. Furthermore, of course, the leaders in Bumi Cenderawasih should not prioritize their personal desires and also continue to fully dedicate their lives to serving the progress and welfare of society. It is clear that the New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua will be able to further maximize the existence of services for the running of the bureaucracy and also make public services faster, more effective and easier, so it is hoped that in the future it will also accelerate various efforts to resolve cases of human rights violations happen.

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