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New Autonomous Region Papua is a Solution for Communities to Get Prosperity


The New Autonomous Region (DOB) of Papua is a solution for the people to gain prosperity. The people of Cendrawasih Land will have a better standard of living because their mobility will be made easier, thanks to infrastructure development in the new province.

So far, Papua has been known as a province whose economic level is being raised. Moreover, there the price of goods is much more expensive than in Java or Sumatra. The Papuan people struggle and make a living by farming sago, becoming fishermen, private employees, and others. They want their economy to be better in order to send their children to a higher level.

To improve the welfare of the Papuan people, the government formed 4 new autonomous regions, namely the Provinces of Central Papua, South Papua, Southwest Papua and Highlands Papua. The vision and mission of the new autonomous region is the realization of expansion of social justice for all Indonesian people. This desire is a big dream for all Papuan people. The hope is mainly so that people can be more prosperous and live in prosperity.

Deputy Minister of Home Affairs (Wamendagri) John Wempi Wetipo invited various elements of society and leaders in Highlands Papua to welcome the formation of the new autonomous regions. In a sense, Papuans are invited to take an active part in developing their own region and welcoming the new province because it will bring prosperity to them.

Papuan welfare is the target of both the local government and the central government. The goal is that there is no inequality between eastern and western Indonesia. For the welfare of the Papua region, the formation of a new autonomous region will be carried out again, so that the community will receive many facilities and conveniences.

The addition of new autonomous regions will boost economic progress because it can trigger a positive domino effect. If there is a new province, the infrastructure will also be added and the most intensively developed is the highway.

With representative highways, apart from facilitating mobility, it also increases trade and the economy in Papua. The price of groceries and other goods can go down because previously all goods had to be transported by airplane due to the difficulty of the terrain. However, when there is a highway, it can be taken via land route, and the transportation costs are cheaper.

The division of regions in Papua is for the prosperity of the Papuan people, because they are part of Indonesia. There is no difference between Papuans and Javanese or other ethnicities, because all have the right to progress.

When a new province is established, it will be given APBD funds from the central government. These funds will be used to develop the area. Logically, the more provinces, the more APBD funds will be disbursed, so that there will be an even distribution of development in the Papua region.

Meanwhile, Mesakh Mirin, Member of the Republic of Indonesia DPR from the electoral district of Papua, stated that the additional new autonomous regions would increase access to development and have an impact on people’s welfare. In the past, there were only 2 provinces namely Papua and West Papua. As a result, traveling from the provincial capital to the regency is rather difficult.

In a sense, if there are now 6 provinces, it is hoped that traveling from one district to another will be easier. The reason is because if there is a new province there will be infrastructure development, including asphalt roads. The road is used for the ease of transportation and the welfare of the people.

Even distribution of development must be carried out because those who have received a touch of modernization are not only in Jayapura, Merauke, or Wamena. But it also reaches Yahukimo and other areas in Papua. Development must be carried out to remote areas so that people can feel the benefits.

Infrastructure that is made in the context of equitable development is not just roads and bridges. But also electricity, internet network, and various other facilities. The community will advance in various fields because they receive support from the government, and Papuans are no longer synonymous with traditional life.

When there is the formation of a new autonomous region, it will be useful because if there are additional provinces, the number of governors will automatically increase. According to special autonomy, the governor and deputy governor must be native Papuans. So that they can develop their own territory more optimally, because they understand their people from a sociological and cultural perspective.

The Governor and other officials in the 4 new autonomous regions are trying hard to develop Papua and increase the people’s economy. They want the people of Cendrawasih Earth to be more advanced by means of community empowerment. The Papuan people are given entrepreneurship training and other training so that they are independent and their standard of living increases. New Autonomous Region is a solution to increase the welfare of the Papuan people. With the existence of a new province, the APBD funds will increase and be used to improve the economy of the citizens of Cendrawasih Earth. They are also happy because there are many highways that have been built, so that their mobility and business activities are made easier. The people of Papua are no longer dependent on transportation by airplane, because they can pass through the highways that were built thanks to APBD funds in 4 new autonomous regions.

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