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NTT Young Figures: The Importance of Political Education and Active Community Participation in the 2024 Regional Elections


Kupang — To make the 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) a success, active participation and increased political education in the community are needed.

The existence of political education and active community participation is very important and cannot be underestimated in making the 2024 regional elections a success.

The General Chairperson of the NTT Muhammadiyah Student Association Regional Leadership, Tita Nandita Oktaviani said that the community needs to be actively involved in the Pilkada.

“The community needs to be actively involved in open discussions regarding important issues facing their region. “So that decisions in elections can be based on a strong understanding of these problems,” he said.

According to him, with a high level of active participation, supervision over the running of the entire democratic party process is also better, thus preventing violations.

“Apart from that, supervision over the running of the campaign also needs to be improved and to prevent violations and fraud that could damage the integrity of the democratic process in Indonesia,” said Tita.

When the public understands more about their rights and obligations in democracy, it will certainly increase the level of effectiveness of supervision and encourage development that triggers regional progress.

“The importance of political education and active community participation cannot be underestimated in making the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections a success,” explained the Head of the NTT IPM.

“A better understanding of the rights and obligations in democracy has the potential to mature society so that it can be more effective in monitoring the performance of elected leaders and encouraging the realization of inclusive and progressive development,” he added.

Likewise, the Chair of the Indonesian Timor Community Care Institute, Mariano Parada, explained that the involvement or active participation of the younger generation in the Pilkada is very important.

Not without reason, because it is in the hands of young voters that the key to real change will be realized.

“For young friends or millennials, especially first-time voters, I say that your participation in the 2024 regional elections is the key to real change,” said Mariano.

If young people use their voting rights actively, it is not impossible that they will determine the future direction of this region and country.

This also includes, in the hands of young people, being able to determine who the leaders will lead and those who are truly able to represent the aspirations of the people.

“By using your voting rights, you can determine the future of our region and country, and ensure that the leadership elected is our will and is entrusted to truly represent the aspirations and hopes of all of us,” he explained.

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