Online Gambling Brings Serious Threat to Indonesia’s Young Generation
By: Laras Indah Sari )*
Online gambling (judol) is now a serious threat that can damage the social order of Indonesian society, especially the younger generation. The latest data from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) noted that in 2024, there were around four million internet users in Indonesia involved in online gambling activities. Of that number, around 80 thousand were children under the age of 10. This activity has caused huge economic losses, reaching IDR 27 trillion per year, showing that the impact of online gambling cannot be underestimated.
According to the Acting Director General of Public Communication and Media of the Ministry of Communication and Digital (Komdigi), Molly Prabawaty, online gambling is not only financially detrimental, but also causes significant social and psychological damage. She explained that children are the most vulnerable group because they often become victims of gambling systems designed to manipulate users. Many online games are used as an entry point for online gamblers to attract new players. This is further exacerbated by the difficulty of the public in distinguishing between games that are purely entertainment and those that contain elements of gambling.
Online gamblers also use hidden advertising on social media to reach new users. Popular platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook often become a means of spreading gambling promotions without the platform owners realizing it. In this context, the role of digital literacy is very important to protect the public, especially children and adolescents, from the illusion of victory offered by online gamblers. Educational efforts about digital literacy are a key step to combat this negative influence.
The negative impacts of online gambling cover various aspects of life, from mental health to social relationships. Many online gamblers experience stress, depression, and other mental disorders due to their involvement. In some cases, players are trapped in a cycle of debt that eventually drives them to commit crimes, such as theft or fraud, to meet their gambling needs. The harms of online gambling do not stop there; family relationships are also often disrupted by gambling addiction, leading to conflict and social isolation.
The younger generation is the group most vulnerable to the negative impacts of online gambling. The desire to get rich quick, social pressure from the media, and lack of financial literacy make them more easily tempted to try online gambling. Increasingly easy access to technology without parental supervision also worsens the situation. Therefore, it is important for parents to be actively involved in supervising their children’s activities in cyberspace so that they do not fall into the trap of online gambling.
The government, through the Ministry of Communication and Digital, has taken various steps to eradicate online gambling. By the end of 2024, more than 5.4 million contents related to online gambling have been blocked on various digital platforms. In addition to blocking, the government is also holding a digital literacy campaign through seminars, podcasts, and educational content. One of the educational programs that has attracted attention is a podcast entitled “Lari dari Judol” which is broadcast on the YouTube channel. This program aims to provide insight to the public about the dangers of online gambling and how to stay away from a misleading instant lifestyle.
In addition, the government has formed a Special Task Force tasked with prosecuting online gambling perpetrators and operators legally. This step also involves collaboration with religious leaders and local communities to provide education and supervision of gambling activities in the community. The government is targeting to significantly reduce the number of active online gambling sites in Indonesia by 2025. Cross-sectoral cooperation is also being strengthened to improve the effectiveness of law enforcement.
The government’s efforts are not only based on technology, but also actively involving the community. Collaboration with religious leaders and local communities is an important step in raising public awareness about the dangers of online gambling. Education provided through these figures is expected to help prevent the community, especially the younger generation, from falling into gambling activities.
The importance of the community’s role in eradicating online gambling cannot be ignored. The community can contribute by raising awareness in the surrounding environment and reporting suspicious activities related to online gambling to the authorities. These steps are expected to break the chain of online gambling that harms the community in various aspects.
In order to protect the younger generation, the government also collaborates with public figures to provide positive examples. One public figure, Sheryl Sheinafia, invites the younger generation to live a healthy lifestyle as a form of prevention from negative habits such as playing online gambling. She suggests exercise as an effective way to improve physical and mental health, while also distancing oneself from harmful activities.
Through synergy between the government, society, and various stakeholders, Indonesia hopes to eradicate online gambling effectively. With the steps that have been taken, the government not only protects the public from financial losses, but also breaks the social and psychological impacts caused by online gambling. By protecting the younger generation from this threat, Indonesia can ensure a brighter future for all levels of society.
People’s Economic Researcher – Institute of Prosperous Economics