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Opening ISF, President Jokowi: Importance of Collaborative Solutions Between Countries to Face Climate Change


Jakarta – President Jokowi Widodo said the importance of a collaborative solution in dealing with global climate change. In addition, a humanitarian solution is also important so as not to sacrifice the small economy in a number of countries in the world.

This was conveyed by President Jokowi at the opening of the Indonesia Sustainability Forum (ISF) in Jakarta on 5/9/2024.

According to President Jokowi, how dangerous the threat of climate change is today and how important a sustainable economy is in this regard.

I want to emphasize that climate change cannot be resolved by the world only through an economic approach and prioritizing its economy and egocentrism, said President Jokowi.

The solution must be done in a humanitarian manner and done collaboratively. In this case, humanitarian means not sacrificing small economies in a number of countries in the world, he added.

A green economy is needed to provide sustainable prosperity for people all over the world, he concluded.

Never doubt Indonesia’s commitment to realizing Net Zero Emission (NZE), said President Joko Widodo.

Indonesia has a green economy in abundance. We have the largest power plant in Southeast Asia, he explained.

In addition, Indonesia also has the largest mangrove forests in the world, amounting to 3.3 million hectares, he said.

On the other hand, Indonesia has a green industry of 13 thousand hectares, he added.

President Jokowi further explained that all of this would have no effect as long as developed countries did not invest, as long as funding was not provided to ease the burden on developing countries.

Indonesia is very open to partnering in opening up equitable access to green energy, he said.

I hope that ISF will be a place where experiences and resources can be shared in addressing climate change through collaboration between countries, he concluded.

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