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Opening the Papua Street Carnival, President Jokowi Appreciates the Work of PYCH Youth Fostered by BIN


Papua – President Joko Widodo inaugurated the Papua Street Carnival event Friday (7/7) which was held in the Papua-Jayapura Governor’s office area. This event is one of a series of agendas for President Jokowi’s visit while in Papua.

“By asking for the blessings and grace of God Almighty, this morning I officially declare the Papua Street Carnival opened and started,” said the President.

The Papua Street Carnival event is a collaboration between the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) and the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) assisted by BIN.

Furthermore, the Head of State believes that the existence of the Papua Youth Creative Hub will provide a big jump to the creative economic sector in Papua.

“Seeing the progress [PYCH], it was shown to me. I believe young Papuans will make a big leap,” he said.

President Jokowi added that the superior products of Papuan youth PYCH assisted by BIN were very good and good.

“Please enter the exhibition location and see for yourself how the so-called packaging of Papuan products, whether it’s coffee, whether it’s smoked fish, and other products related to fashion designers, is really a very visible leap. The designs are very good packaged in packaging, in packaging whose brand is very well designed,” he said.

In the same place, Menparekraf, Sandiaga Uno appreciated the existence of BIN-assisted PYCH which was inaugurated a few months ago. In fact, the existence of PYCH has provided economic benefits for the community.

“Since the inauguration of PYCH there have been many events attended, Papua Kopi Expo 6 thousand visitors in 4 days, expo launching activities and total income for 3 months can be above IDR 2.6 billion. PYCH designers who have made 94 costumes will appear later,” he said.

Not only that, Menparekraf hopes that in the future many officials will use PYCH’s work.

“But hopefully later there will be more and more ministers, governors, Governors of West Papua who will also use PYCH’s works for everyday use,” he added.

Then, Menparekraf Sandiaga also reported that young people at PYCH assisted by BIN have been able to assemble laptops and cellphones, of which 215 units have been sold. Meanwhile, digital printing PYCH has also been able to complete large orders.

“Digital printing, this is the year of democracy, of course there are many who want to print T-shirts, please order them because together with BIN, PYCH has been able to serve 1,000 orders in just 4 days,” concluded Sandi.

During the event, President Jokowi was accompanied by Head of BIN Budi Gunawan, and Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno. Also present were the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono to the Minister of Investment Bahlil Lahadalia.

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