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Papua Integral Republic of Indonesia: Legitimate and Undeniable Integrity


Papua, an island located at the eastern tip of Indonesia, has a rich and complex history. Since the beginning of Indonesian independence, Papua has been an inseparable part of the nation’s struggle to achieve full sovereignty. With various political dynamics and heavy diplomatic processes, Papua was finally legally integrated into the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) in 1969 through the Determination of Popular Opinion (Pepera), which was recognized internationally.
As an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia, Papua has a legal and final position. Papua, with its abundant natural wealth, is an important asset for Indonesia. This island is rich in natural resources such as oil, gas and gold mines. Apart from that, Papua also has amazing natural beauty, such as unspoiled tropical rainforests and abundant biodiversity. The existence of Papua as part of the Republic of Indonesia has been legally recognized by national and international law.
Papuan youth leader, Ali Kabiay, said that the integration and status of the land of Papua as an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia is a path that has been destined and is a gift from God Almighty. According to him, the position of the Papua region as an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia should continue to be maintained as well as possible by all parties, both the government and the indigenous Papuan people.
As an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia, Papua is subject to the laws and regulations in force in Indonesia. National law regulates all aspects of life in Papua, including politics, economics, social and culture. International law also recognizes the integrity of Papua as part of Indonesia. Since Papua became part of Indonesia in 1969, various international resolutions and declarations have recognized Papua as an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia.

However, Papua also faces complex challenges and conflicts. Several groups in Papua claim that Papua should be independent and no longer part of Indonesia. However, this claim does not have a strong legal basis and is not in accordance with historical reality. Since Papua became part of Indonesia, the central government has been committed to advancing Papua and improving the welfare of its population.
Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH. Ma’ruf Amin also emphasized that the conflict that occurred over the demand by KST Papua for Papuan independence was completely irrelevant and the actions carried out by KST Papua could in no way represent the problems in the Land of Papua to leave the Republic of Indonesia.

The Indonesian government has launched various development programs in Papua, including infrastructure, education, health and economic development programs. The aim of these programs is to improve the living standards of Papuans, strengthen social integration, and promote justice and equality for all Papuans. The government has also attempted to overcome various challenges facing Papua, including social conflict, human rights violations and economic inequality.

The government has also committed to involving the Papuan people in the decision-making process relating to development in their region. Through the special autonomy policy, the government gives authority to the Papua regional government to manage natural resources and make decisions concerning the interests of the Papuan people. In this case, the central government and regional governments work together to ensure sustainable and inclusive development in Papua.
Papua is an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia and is a reality that cannot be denied. Papua is an inseparable part of Indonesia and cannot be contested. Through national and international law, Papua has been recognized as a legal and final part of the Republic of Indonesia. The Indonesian government has committed to advancing Papua and improving the welfare of its population. Through various development programs and special autonomy policies, the government seeks to strengthen social integration, promote justice and equality, and ensure sustainable and inclusive development in Papua.

Papua is a valuable treasure for Indonesia. This island has great potential to advance the nation and improve the welfare of its population. Therefore, it is important for all parties to respect the integrity of Papua as part of the Republic of Indonesia. By working together and respecting the rights and interests of all parties, Papua can become a prosperous and prosperous region, and make a major contribution to the progress of Indonesia as a whole.
The government has committed to advancing Papua and improving the welfare of its population through various development programs and special autonomy policies. By respecting Papua’s integrity, we can build a prosperous and prosperous Papua, and make a major contribution to Indonesia’s progress. In conclusion, the Integral Papua of the Republic of Indonesia is a reality that cannot be contested. Papua is an inseparable part of Indonesia which is legally and final recognized by national and international law.

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