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PMI Appreciates BIN’s Real Commitment to Building Papuan Human Resources


Papua – The construction of the Papua Youth Creative Hub (PYCH) building as a place for developing the talents and skills of young Papuans is proceeding according to plan. On a land area of ​​1.5 hectares, the building initiated by the Head of BIN, General Pol (Purn) Prof. Budi Gunawan together with President Joko Widodo, was greeted enthusiastically and received appreciation from the youth and people of Papua.

PYCH which will be inaugurated by President Jokowi in March will function as a means to accommodate creativity for young Papuans.

The Head of the Papua Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center, Directorate General of Cipta Karya, Ministry of PUPR, Corneles Sagrim expressed his support for the construction of PYCH.

“The PYCH building has a main building area of ​​3,520 square meters and supporting buildings of 1,812 square meters. The project started in October and is targeted for completion in December 2022,” he said

The groundbreaking which was held in October 2021 was attended by President Jokowi and the Head of BIN, Police General (Purn) Budi Gunawan, SH, M.Sc. In the future, the building will be used to develop young Papuan talents.

“The PYCH building will be used by Inspiring Young Papua (PMI) to develop creativity and innovation based on technological advances in order to create superior and highly competitive young talents and be fostered in a comprehensive and sustainable manner by BIN,” continued Corneles Sagrim.

Meanwhile, PMI Secretary for Papua Province, Vitha Fadiban expressed his gratitude to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo and the Head of BIN, General Pol (Purn) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan, SH, M.Si for his extraordinary and real support in stimulating the development of young Papuans to be creative and innovative in order to prepare a superior and highly competitive young generation.

“The presence of the Papua Youth Creative Hub building will help the young generation of Papua in making works and doing everything that can be done for the good of the people of the land of Papua,” he said.

Previously, BIN and PMI had also conducted training for young Papuan human resources. One of them is the development of corn plantations in West Papua in order to realize the land of Papua as a national food center.

BIN and PMI empowered hundreds of residents to work on the corn fields in Sitori Village, East Kebar District, Tambrauw Regency, West Papua.

“Until now, we have accommodated every tribal chief in the area to do the job, both youth and parents. As many as 120 people have worked,” said PMI Kebar Timur Coordinator Daud Amnan.

BIN and PMI continue to be committed to improving the economy of the people of Papua and West Papua. This is in line with Presidential Instruction Number 09 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare in Papua and West Papua.

There are around 200 hectares of vacant land owned by residents which are entrusted to PMI to be managed. Currently there are 70 hectares of land that has been planted with corn.

In addition, PMI, with the support of BIN, has succeeded in collaborating with investors, namely the company PT Nuansa Lestari Sejahtera, to participate in managing the corn crop so that it runs optimally.

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