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PPP Holds V Rapimnas in Yogyakarta, Will Announce Direction of Support for Presidential Candidates


Sleman – The United Development Party (PPP) DPP held the V National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) at the Acting General Chairperson’s residence, Muhamad Mardiono, Sleman, Yogyakarta, on Tuesday (25/04). This meeting discussed PPP’s internal preparations in facing the 2024 election contestation, as well as discussing PPP’s stance on the presidential and vice presidential candidates that it will carry.

Plt. PPP Chairperson Muhamad Mardiono said that in the previous deliberations we had already determined a presidential candidate to be supported by PPP, but based on party mechanisms this decision still had to be discussed with cadres from DPW in the Rapimnas.

“There are many suggestions from our grassroots to immediately determine the attitude of support for the figure of the presidential candidate so as not to lose momentum,” said M.Mardiono.

The event which was attended by all DPW PPP regional leadership cadres also discussed PPP’s internal preparations for the 2024 Election, one of which is preparing candidates for legislative members. “The two agendas discussed in the National Rapporteur this time are preparing the PPP machine so that it can recapture PPP’s glory,” he added.

Plt. The PPP chairman also said that the results of tonight’s meeting would be followed up with political communications with several political party leaders so that tomorrow the series of events would be closed with a declaration of PPP’s stance to support the presidential candidate.

“The event will close on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, after I communicated with the leadership of the political party supporting the presidential candidate that we will support, as well as with the leadership of the United Indonesia Coalition Party (KIB),” said Plt. Head of PPP.

“It’s been almost a year since we joined KIB and based on the agreement we signed at the beginning, there was no agreement to nominate a presidential candidate, so whatever PPP’s decision will be, I’m sure it won’t disturb the coalition. But if later there are differences in choice or attitude of support for the presidential candidate in KIB, then it will be discussed further with the coalition where each party has the right to determine for themselves, “said M. Mardiono.

Previously, the PPP DPP daily management meeting was also held on Monday (24/04) evening. In fact, the meeting had already decided on the political stance of PPP’s support for one of the presidential candidates. However, an official announcement or declaration of direction for the support of the new PPP Presidential Candidate will be announced at the close of the series of events together with the people’s market with the community.

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