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Preparations for the Indonesian Independence Day at IKN are going according to plan


By : Septiawan Prihadi )*

Preparations for a series of ceremonies for the 79th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia in the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago, East Kalimantan, are being carried out carefully. With the theme “Advanced Indonesia, United Archipelago”, the government is committed to making this celebration an important moment that reflects the spirit of national unity and progress. Preparations include infrastructure, cultural activities, community participation, as well as security and health protocols, carefully arranged to ensure the event runs smoothly and successfully.
Acting Deputy Head of the Nusantara National Capital Authority (IKN), Raja Juli Antoni, said that his party was optimistic that the ceremony on August 17 2024 would go well. Moreover, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and Acting Head of the Archipelago Capital Authority (OIKN), Basuki Hadimuljono, who is trusted by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), is completing the infrastructure for the August 17 2024 ceremony.

IKN Nusantara, which was inaugurated as Indonesia’s new capital, played a central role in this year’s Indonesian Independence Day celebrations. Infrastructure development is a top priority, with a focus on completing vital projects such as roads, public facilities and government buildings. The Ministry of PUPR reports that more than 80% of the main infrastructure is ready for use. This includes the main square which will be the location for the flag ceremony, complete with tribunes and other supporting facilities.

Apart from that, preparations also include providing electricity and clean water to ensure the comfort of all parties involved in the celebration. Digital infrastructure such as the internet network has been strengthened to support documentation and live broadcast of events throughout the country.
Basuki Hadimuljono said that preparations for the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia at IKN were completely declared ready. President Jokowi has also inspected the location and checked one by one the locations and sequence related to the Independence Day celebrations at IKN. He also said that in August the 12 towers of ASN flats at IKN will be fully furnished for the ceremony participants to occupy. Meanwhile, the minister’s office site will also be completed, so it can be occupied. Meanwhile the presidential palace has been completed.

The government also coordinates with security forces to ensure security during the celebrations. Thousands of TNI and Polri personnel will be deployed to secure the event, both at the main location and in the area around IKN. Advanced security technology, including surveillance cameras and identification systems, is used to monitor the situation in real time.
The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Balikpapan City, H. Muhaimin, said that the stigma that IKN is ready must be presented to the world and Indonesia. This is important to show that the Indonesian nation is able to manage this major development well, as well as strengthening the trust of both local and international communities in Indonesia’s development capacity and vision in the future. Therefore, preparations continue to be carried out carefully.

Various preparations have been made to ensure this event runs smoothly and lively. Main infrastructure, such as roads and public facilities, has been well and optimally prepared. In addition, various cultural and artistic activities are planned to enliven the atmosphere, including musical performances, traditional dances and culinary exhibitions. The local community, together with various communities, are also expected to actively participate in these preparations so that the celebration will be luxurious and lively. So, it is hoped that the world community will see the success of the development of IKN Nusantara as an important milestone in Indonesia’s history, which reflects infrastructure progress and the government’s commitment to building a modern and sustainable capital city.

From an economic perspective, celebrating the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Day at IKN will have a positive economic impact on the surrounding area. An increase in the number of visitors from various regions will encourage the tourism and local trade sectors. Local hotels, restaurants and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are predicted to experience an increase in turnover during the festive period.
Socially, this celebration is an opportunity to strengthen feelings of togetherness and nationalism. The active involvement of the community in various activities increases the sense of ownership of IKN as the new capital city which is expected to bring progress to the entire nation. Apart from that, this event is also an opportunity to promote IKN as a symbol of modernity and sustainability for Indonesia in the future.

Persiapan HUT RI di IKN Nusantara menunjukkan komitmen kuat pemerintah dalam menjadikan perayaan ini sebagai momen bersejarah yang membanggakan. Dari segi infrastruktur, kegiatan budaya, hingga partisipasi masyarakat, semuanya direncanakan dengan matang dan dilaksanakan dengan baik.
Dampak ekonomi dan sosial yang positif juga menjadi harapan besar dari perayaan ini. Selain menggerakkan perekonomian lokal, perayaan ini juga memperkuat semangat persatuan dan kebanggaan nasional. IKN Nusantara sebagai pusat pemerintahan baru diharapkan dapat menjadi simbol kemajuan dan keberlanjutan Indonesia, yang terus bergerak maju menuju masa depan yang lebih baik.

)* Mahasiswa Universitas Darma Agung Medan

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