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President Prabowo Encourages Cross-Sector Collaboration to Eradicate Drug Spread


Jakarta – Efforts to eradicate the spread of drugs in Indonesia continue to be intensified through various cross-sectoral policies and strategies. The National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Police, TNI, and BIN as well as community elements are working together to tackle the increasingly worrying spread and abuse of drugs. Synergy between institutions and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the community is the main key in creating strategic steps that can reduce the number of drug distributions.

Meanwhile, the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) appreciates PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Presero) or Pelindo for its proof of commitment to combating narcotics by preparing anti-narcotics volunteers from all Pelindo work areas in Indonesia.

The Director of Advocacy for the Deputy for Prevention of the BNN, Jafriedi, said that this commitment is needed in handling narcotics problems because narcotics target human resources (HR).

“If human resources are already trapped, it will damage the quality of self and individual morals which are the main capital in developing the nation and state,” explained Jafriedi.

He reminded us of the dangers of drugs which can damage the nation’s human resources and morals.

“Drugs destroy human resources, the nation’s morals which are the capital for development,” he stressed.

He expects anti-narcotics volunteers to become an extension of the BNN and other stakeholders who mobilize community participation to prevent drug abuse in their respective areas.

Assistance activities can build awareness of the dangers of drug abuse and illicit trafficking, volunteers are able to pioneer and play an active role with full sincerity in carrying out efforts to Prevent and Eradicate Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (P4GN),” he said.

Meanwhile, Executive Director of Regional 2 Pelindo Drajat Sulistyo said that his party is committed to overcoming narcotics problems, and is ready to contribute to helping the government in this case the BNN as the main stakeholder in reducing the prevalence of narcotics abuse.

“We have branches from Sabang to Merauke. This means that we are ready to help and empower all Pelindo Anti-Narcotics volunteers in helping the government to eradicate the narcotics problem.” He explained.

On the other hand, community support in combating the spread of drugs is an important part in solving problems related to narcotics. In addition, non-governmental organizations such as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that are actively involved in providing education and rehabilitation services for drug victims are also an important part in combating this problem. This synergy proves that multi-party collaboration, starting from law enforcement, prevention, to rehabilitation, is very much needed in reducing the number of drug abuse.

With this synergistic approach, it is hoped that the prevention of the spread of drugs in Indonesia can be carried out more comprehensively and sustainably. BNN is committed to continuing to strengthen cooperation with other parties to create a drug-free Indonesia, protect the younger generation, and safeguard the future of the nation from the threat of destructive drugs.

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