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Rejecting Identity Politics That Undermines the Unity and Unity of the Indonesian Nation


By: Gita Oktaviani )*

Unity and Unity   is something that must be maintained, especially ahead of elections which are vulnerable to differences in political views. Identity politics is often associated with the breakdown of unity, so this needs to be watched out for.

The National Association of Activists 98 (Pena 98) highlighted that identity politics often merged ahead of the political year in Indonesia. Pena believes that the issue of identity politics must be avoided so as not to undermine the unity and oneness of the Indonesian nation.

Rafael Situmorang, who is an 98 activist, said concretely that his party rejects identity politics because it can be toxic to the life of the nation and state. He conveyed this in an interactive discussion opportunity Reflections on 25 years of reform 98 at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP).

To suppress this issue, Pena 98 continues to voice that this issue is carried out during the election. One way is to encourage students to help and speak out to the community.

In front of the students, Rafael said that students must be able to transmit the values ​​of equality, democracy and reject identity politics. Students must be involved because this struggle is not over.

On the same occasion, Deputy Dean I FISIP Unpas, Kunkunrat appreciated the interactive discussion initiated by Pena 98. Because the discussion was not just a meeting of missed 98 activists, but knowledge related to political claims for the younger generation.

Kunkurat said, In this case, Pena 98 has recorded the issues in this political momentum how not to get out of the rails of democracy, including highlighting identity politics.

According to him, identity politics is a belief that violates the founding fathers. The reason is, Indonesia was formed not with identity politics, but based on an agreement.

On a different occasion, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) reminded all parties not to allow the politicization of religion to occur in the 2024 election. He asked that no room be given to the politicization of religion.

Jokowi said that identity politics and the politicization of religion are very dangerous. He said that it could be used by certain parties to undermine unity.

Jokowi also asked Bawaslu to work quickly and responsively in handling any reports of alleged violations in the 2024 Election. In addition to being fast and responsive, Bawaslu must also work according to the law.

The former mayor of Surakarta said that identity politics and the politicization of religion could be used by certain parties. The goal could undermine the unity of the Indonesian nation.

He also asked the Indonesian Bawaslu to work quickly and responsibly in handling any reports of alleged violations in the 2024 election. Apart from being fast and responsive, Bawaslu must also work according to the law.

Meanwhile, Airlangga Hartarto as the Minister of the Economy appealed to the 2024 Election to be free from identity politics, both political parties and all the elements involved.

This was agreed upon by Ujang Komarudin who is a political observer from Indonesia’s Al Azhar University. He agreed with the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, so that the 2024 elections would be an honest and fair democratic party.

Not using identity politics for him not only for society. But this also has to reach the elite level of political parties. In order not to take advantage of these methods because in his opinion, he has not consistently carried out anti-identity politics.

One example that according to him can produce identity politics is by forcing only 2 candidates in the 2024 Presidential Election. This is the same as if the political elites want to eliminate identity politics but construct a coalition of only 2 candidates which actually sharpens identity politics.

According to him, to consistently reject identity politics is not to force 2 pairs. There are at least 3 so the battle isn’t too hard. Tida is also divided into only 2 camps. Because he agreed that identity politics would be eliminated.

So naturally, the public should also receive an appeal to reject this identity politics. At least it doesn’t lead to issues that could threaten the split.

Not only the public and political elites. But the rejection of identity politics, according to him, must also be confirmed by the presidential and vice presidential candidates, up to the team of volunteers.   He believes that the presidential and vice presidential candidates will know that their team is playing identity politics. Therefore, it must be urged not to use identity politics because it has the potential to divide the nation.

The question arises why identity politics can arise, Rahmat Bagja as Chair of the Bawaslu sees the factors that cause identity politics, namely the existence of an incomplete understanding of maintaining tolerance and the existence of each identity in the political space in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

He also hopes that in the 2024 election, people can celebrate differences and make it a potential in the development of democracy.

It is predicted that identity politics will still be used as a weapon to attack political parties or political opponents, so a strategy is needed to reject the existence of identity politics in order to maintain the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation both before and after the 2024 elections.

)* The author is a Contributor to the Windows Baca Institute

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