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Security Forces Carry Out Early Detection of Various Potential Threats in Regional Elections


By : Andika Rachman )*

 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) are one of the important pillars of democracy in Indonesia. This process not only determines regional leaders for the next period, but also functions as a mirror of the health of democracy and political stability. However, like other general elections, regional elections are often characterized by various challenges and potential threats that can affect the smooth and safe implementation of the event.In facing this threat, security forces play a crucial role by carrying out early detection to keep the regional election process safe and democratic. Early detection is a proactive step taken to identify and address potential threats before they develop into larger problems.In the context of regional elections, this involves monitoring and analyzing various factors that could disrupt the smoothness of the electoral process, such as potential chaos, intimidation or violations of the law. Early detection allows security forces to respond quickly and appropriately, thereby preventing larger riots or disturbances.Security forces maintain order in each area ahead of the regional elections. The Head of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Inspector General of Police Andi Rian R. Djajadi, said that all members of the National Police are obliged to maintain neutrality in the face of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Election. If any non-neutral actions are found they will be given disciplinary, ethical and even criminal sanctions.The National Police, together with the TNI and regional governments, are coordinating the technical aspects of taking action against regional election violations as a step to anticipate and prevent violations of neutrality. This is done in order to maintain the security situation and public order so that it remains safe and comfortable so that all activities can run as they should.The Banyuwangi Police showed their seriousness in maintaining regional stability ahead of the 2024 simultaneous regional elections by holding a simulation of the city security system (Sispamkota). Banyuwangi Police Chief, Police Commissioner Nanang Haryono, said that his party had carried out mapping of various potential vulnerabilities in the Banyuwangi area, especially considering that this area is classified as an area with a high level of vulnerability.More than 600 personnel will be deployed at 2,732 polling stations spread throughout Banyuwangi, which is a concrete step in anticipating all possible threats that could disrupt the running of the regional elections, especially those related to election organizers.Close coordination between security forces, regional election organizers and other related parties is very important. This includes coordinating with Bawaslu (Election Supervisory Body) and KPU (General Election Commission) to ensure that all aspects of the Pilkada implementation are well maintained.Even though various strategies have been implemented, security forces face several challenges. Threats in regional elections are often complex and difficult to predict, such as the spread of false information which can occur quickly and widely on social media. Limited resources, both in terms of personnel and technology, can limit the ability of the authorities to manage and respond optimally to threats, one of which is cyber threats from various interested parties.The government is increasing awareness of various potential attacks in the center and various regions, both real and virtual. Security improvements are needed. Physical and cyber security stability will have an impact on regional performance, including the success of regional elections. Therefore, regional security must always be conducive.Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam), Hadi Tjahjanto, said that success in maintaining security stability was carried out by all ministries, institutions or other agencies in synergy in carrying out their duties and functions. The TNI, Polri, State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and National Cyber ​​and Crypto Agency (BSSN) work together to map areas that have the potential for conflict and map potential forms of attacks. All components of the nation need to maintain political stability, law and human rights and security during the regional elections.The role of security forces in protecting regional elections from various potential threats is very important. With the right strategy, intensive monitoring and good coordination, threats to regional election security can be identified and overcome before they develop into bigger problems.The existing challenges are indeed significant, but with continued efforts to increase capacity, coordination and technology, it is hoped that the regional elections can be held safely, fairly and in accordance with the desired democratic principles. Ultimately, the main goal is to ensure that the people’s voice can be heard in a safe and secure atmosphere.Early detection of various potential threats in regional elections is an important aspect in maintaining the security and smoothness of the election process. With various strategies and efforts made by security forces, it is hoped that the regional election process can run safely, fairly and democratically. The challenges faced are significant, but with increased capacity, good coordination, and the use of appropriate technology, these threats can be managed more effectively. Ultimately, the main goal is to ensure that the people’s voice can be heard and respected in a safe and secure atmosphere.)* University of Jakarta student.

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