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Supporting the Government’s Comprehensive Approach in Facing KST Papua


By : Hugo Steve Momoribo )* 

The community fully supports the use of a comprehensive approach taken by the Government of Indonesia in its efforts to deal with the whole series of violence waged by KST Papua, which so far has absolutely not been allowed to go unpunished.

The whole series of crimes that have been continuously carried out by the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST), which are completely inhumane, cannot be tolerated anymore because they have seriously injured many human rights (HAM).

Therefore, seeing how the cruelty, cruelty and barbarity of the separatist gang on Cenderawasih Earth has so far made the Chairman of Commission I of the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI), Meutya Hafid continue to support the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) to use various kinds of a comprehensive way of trying to resolve existing conflicts.

In particular, this comprehensive approach is very important for the government to be able to do and implement in order to be able to face KST Papua even more optimally. It is also undeniable that the government should be able to solve all the problems that are in the easternmost province of the country, especially when it comes to the terrorist group.

Even in efforts to solve it, it is not only limited to solving it on the surface, but indeed the Government of Indonesia should be able to really solve all existing problems from the root, starting from upstream to downstream by continuing to use many approaches in a comprehensive manner.

How could it not be, of course this comprehensive approach is something that must be done because so far all the crimes and heinous and ruthless acts shown by the Separatist and Terrorist Groups in Bumi Cenderawasih cannot be forgiven at all and are increasingly troubling the people. .

The reason is, not only giving threats and fear with the many acts of terror they have carried out, but all their actions and actions have also seriously threatened the lives and safety of various parties, starting from the security forces consisting of joint personnel from the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI). , the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), but it is also very dangerous for all indigenous Papuan civilians (OAP) there.

Not only because so far all acts and series of violence have often been perpetrated by terrorist groups on Earth of Cenderawasih, it has continued to trouble many parties, but it has also been prolonged, therefore there is the right approach, which is able to solve problems down to the root of the problem. very important.

Furthermore, regarding how to approach the intended comprehensively, all efforts to resolve problems related to KST Papua should involve many parties, such as the local community who are there.

Because, when there is involvement and the local Papuan community is encouraged to have an active role and participate in efforts to resolve the conflict with the separatist group, then of course they have an approach that uses the side of local wisdom which may be far more effective and optimal to do.

Besides, the Government of Indonesia itself should continue to be able to further strengthen all security personnel in the country, from the TNI, Polri to BIN, but it turns out that an approach using security forces alone is certainly not an adequate approach to take.

So, it is indeed very important for the government and all levels of the security apparatus to be able to look for other additional forces by working together in an integrated manner and continuing to establish good coordination with all local residents of the indigenous Papuan community (OAP).

Of course, it cannot be denied that the local residents or communities in Bumi Cenderawasih understand much more about the structure of the area that is there, including what the cultural conditions and customs are like in that area.

Another way that is still included in a series of comprehensive approaches is for the government to continue to intensify development, especially in remote areas in the Land of Papua. When development continues to be carried out well, it will also be able to further reduce social discontent which may have been used by KST Papua in carrying out all their acts of violence.

In an effort to be able to deal with all the series of violence waged by the Papuan KST gang in a much more optimal and effective way, the Government of Indonesia is of course able to use various approaches in a comprehensive manner, the community in general also continues to provide assistance and support to encourage conflict resolution in Bumi Cendrawasih can be implemented quickly.

)* The author is a Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

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