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Supporting the Shared Commitment to Maintain Peaceful Elections


General Election (Pemilu) is a political contestation that heats up the social atmosphere in society, discussions related to politics will become a topic of conversation starting from coffee shops to intellectual tables. The large number of cross-sectoral people involved in this election certainly requires a joint commitment for the realization of safe and peaceful elections.

The existence of social media, which is increasingly accessible, seems to be an arena for anyone to express their thoughts and expressions on something, including the endless political frenzy to be discussed during the election series. In order to create peaceful elections, the Indonesian Cyber ​​Media Association (AMSI) together with 12 civil society organizations signed a Joint Commitment to Create Peaceful Elections 2024.

         This Commitment to Peaceful Elections is part of the SocialMedia4Peace Project initiated by the Peace Coalition and has received support from UNESCO and the European Union. The signing of the Peaceful Election Commitment is part of the High Level Discussion event against Hate Speech and Disinformation ahead of the 2024 Election.

         Valerie Julliand, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Indonesia stated that the meeting and signing of the joint commitment to peaceful elections is important because Indonesia will face a fairly large 2024 election. Jullian assessed that the presence of fellow civil society organizations (CSOs) who are members of the Peace Coalition with representatives from the United Nations, the European Union, Social Media Platforms, Election Organizers and the government is hoped to be able to reduce hate speech and disinformation activities during the 2024 General Election series.

         Meanwhile, Rahmat Bagja as the chairman of Bawaslu also welcomed the presence of the Peace Coalition and the commitment to work together in realizing peaceful elections from various parties. Moreover, Indonesia has experience from previous elections that hoaxes and hate speech can have a negative impact on society, nation and social relations.

         A similar commitment was also encouraged in Yogyakarta, where the declaration of Peaceful Elections was carried out by involving synergy between all components, starting from the government, police, military, prosecutors, religious and community leaders to collaborate together. It is this collaboration that makes peaceful elections possible.

         Sutrisnowati as Chairperson of the DIY Bawaslu said that the City of Jogja as a miniature of Indonesia which in the General Election vulnerability index is categorized as moderately vulnerable, must be maintained so that there are no bad triggers in the holding of the 2024 Election. only, but all components.

         The Acting Mayor of Yogyakarta, Sumadi, said that the declaration carried out meant how the community could continue to emulate the fallen heroes, to continue to maintain a safe and comfortable city of Jogja. He also hopes that the event will not only be ceremonial, but can also be implemented with full responsibility to realize a fair, transparent and peaceful 2024 election.

         Sumadi also advised and invited the public to exercise their right to vote and vote according to their conscience. As well as playing an active role in keeping the city of Jogja so that it remains comfortable.

         On different occasions. The Indonesian National Police Chief (Kapolri) General Listyo Sigit Prabowo also voiced his voice for the 2024 Election so that it could run peacefully when opening the Bhayangkara Fun Walk event at Monas. Central Jakarta. 25/06/2023 in order to welcome the 77th Bhayangkara Day.

         General Listyo hopes that, with the existing spirit of togetherness and unity, the people can ensure that the elections held in 2024 can be carried out safely and peacefully. Especially now that Indonesia is a respected country both in the Asian region and in other countries, so holding peaceful elections will of course be a way to maintain Indonesia’s position in the eyes of the world.

         Sigit said that differences of opinion in choosing a leader are common in every election. Even though differences are a necessity, of course, don’t let these differences give rise to polemics and friction between people so that the atmosphere becomes counterproductive.

         Of course, the polarization that occurred in 2019 can be used as a lesson, that differences in choices do not necessarily make fellow citizens become enemies with each other. After all, in the end political opponents who previously argued with each other actually joined in one cabinet.

         The polarization that occurred at that time seemed to undermine the peace of the election which should have gone well. But all the negative sentiments with blasphemous expressions that drop each other, seem to be daily songs that can be heard at any time.

         Therefore, holding political dialogue or workshops is necessary to provide political literacy to prospective voters, especially first-time voters. Political dialogue is also expected to be able to strengthen the ideology of voters not to be trapped in unhealthy political currents.

         Maintaining peace in elections is not only the responsibility of the apparatus, KPU and Bawaslu, more than that peace during elections is a shared responsibility across sectors because elections are a national event that is followed by all people in Indonesia.

)* The author is a contributor to Nusantara Reading Room

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