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Supporting the Synergy of All Parties to Realize Peaceful Elections in 2024


By : Naomi Leah Christine )*

In realizing a peaceful 2024 election, the community works together with the security forces. Cooperation must be carried out so that the Election really takes place in a peaceful and peaceful manner without any chaos. Elections must be 100% successful in order to get the best state leaders.

Election is a grand event that is held every 5 years and the people are waiting for it with enthusiasm, because they want to get a new leader candidate. Since the reform era, Indonesian citizens have been free to choose their own presidential candidate. There are several stages of the election, starting from the pre-campaign period, campaign, election, to counting the votes.

The government wants people to maintain peace in the 2024 elections. Elections must be successful and peace must be maintained. In the success of the General Election, everyone must maintain harmony and peace.

To realize a peaceful 2024 election, the community must work together with the security forces. Salatiga Police Chief, AKBP Feria Kuniawan stated that his party was ready to work together with the TNI and the community, to create peaceful elections.

This assertion was conveyed by the Head of the Salatiga Police, AKBP Feria Kuniawan, in a Sat Kamling Apple at the Salatiga Police Level, in the context of increasing Harkamtibmas ahead of the 2024 simultaneous elections.

In a sense, the community must work together to realize peaceful elections and work together with the security forces. Members of the TNI and Polri are ready to stand by in safeguarding the 2024 elections, and especially peace.

Vice President KH Ma’ruf Amin stated that experience has taught us that the moment of holding elections is a time when national unity is tested. Society has the potential to be polarized due to the heat of political tension. Therefore, unification of steps is needed so that the implementation of the upcoming 2024 elections does not cause tension and potential conflicts in society.

The Vice President continued, he did not want to repeat the bad experience of the past elections (2014 and 2019). The community must be unanimous and take steps together so that the 2024 Election becomes a safe, peaceful and quality election.

In a sense, the Election is a tense moment because it is prone to divisions and there could be 2 or even 3 different camps, because they defend different presidential candidates. However, people are expected to remain peaceful even if they choose a presidential candidate or a different party.

Indonesia is a democracy and differences in political choices are commonplace. Do not because of defending a different party the people become enemies with each other. Tensions in society must be removed because Indonesia must stand in the midst of unity, even though the political choices of its people are different.

If you look in the mirror from the 2014 and 2019 elections, people are fighting, especially on social media. Moreover, both sides issued calls with very impolite words. The people are asked not to repeat the same mistakes and are determined to maintain election peace.

The public is also urged not to be influenced by the actions of provocateurs who want to divide the nation. Don’t just because of hoaxes on social media eventually result in a hot election and turn into a battlefield.

Meanwhile, the former Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Komjen Pol Boy Rafli Amar stated that he wanted the democratic party to be held with full respect for the nation’s cultural values, legal values ​​in force in Indonesia, and of course the values ​​that fulfill rule that democracy is well implemented.

In a sense, the election is a very important moment for Indonesia to elect a new president and members of the legislature. Do not let the election be disrupted by the actions of radical groups and terrorists. They understand that during the General Election, residents gather to vote for a presidential candidate and there is a potential for crowds to become an easy target for attacks and bombings.

BNPT certainly has anticipated the bad possibilities that will occur before and during the election. Therefore, security is getting tighter, both when presidential candidates or legislative member candidates are campaigning, as well as when the voting begins. Not only security guards and security guards have been deployed, but also security forces to ensure that the community is completely free from the threat of terrorist attacks.

Peaceful elections were also realized by taking preventive measures and Densus 88 actively searching for and arresting members of terrorist groups. This arrest is intended so that they do not disrupt the 2024 Election, because the campaign period is just around the corner. Elections must be successful without any bombings or other attacks from terrorist groups.

Meanwhile, Karopenmas Div Humas Polri Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan stated that in January 2023 an arrest had been made of one target for a crime of terrorism with the initials AW (39). AW is an ISIS sympathizer who actively posts images and videos of terrorism propaganda on social media.

Arresting terrorist members is a preventive measure before the 2024 elections. Moreover, the campaign period is soon approaching, so security is really being tightened. Don’t let too many terrorists roam around so that it unsettles the citizens and disrupts the campaign and the 2024 elections.

The security forces are tightening their guard in order to realize a peaceful 2024 election. The community also synergizes with the security forces so that the people remain united and do not cause chaos in the election. 2024 is a political year and elections must be held honestly, fairly and peacefully.

)* The author is a contributor to the Inti Nesia Media Institute

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