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The Community Must Maintain Unity Ahead of the 2024 Regional Elections


By: Mika Putri Larasati

The 2024 Regional Head Election (Pilkada) is just around the corner, and as usual, the political atmosphere is starting to heat up. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of fierce competition, maintaining unity and security stability is our main task together. Pilkada is not just about who wins or loses, but also about how we as a nation can unite despite our differences.

The Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menkopolhukam), Hadi Tjahjanto, emphasized the importance of maintaining political, legal and security stability to ensure that the regional elections run safely and peacefully.

Hadi invited all parties to work together to realize this condition, considering how crucial 2024 is as the biggest election year involving the election of president and regional heads in various regions simultaneously.

In his remarks at the “Coordination Meeting for the Implementation of Simultaneous Regional Elections in 2024 in the Sumatra Region”, Hadi emphasized that all elements of society and state apparatus must work together to maintain stability during the election process.

2024 is an important moment for Indonesia, with more than 545 regions that will hold regional elections, including 37 provinces and 508 districts/cities. With a scale this large, the potential for conflict and friction between candidate supporters certainly cannot be ignored.

Hadi, who is also a former TNI Commander, emphasized that the TNI-Polri have a vital role in maintaining security and order during the Pilkada. Apart from that, election organizers such as the General Election Commission (KPU), the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), and the Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP) must work with full responsibility and ensure that the election process is fair and in accordance with applicable regulations.

All parties must be able to place their respective roles according to their duties and functions, creating harmonious synergy for the success of the 2024 regional elections.

In South Kalimantan, Secretary of Commission I for Government, Law and Human Rights of the South Kalimantan DPRD, H. Suripno Sumas, also hopes for safe and peaceful conditions ahead of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada.

Through the socialization of the Revitalization and Actualization of Pancasila Values, Suripno hopes that the public can truly understand the values ​​that are the basis of the state and the way of life of the Indonesian people. It is hoped that this understanding can prevent divisions and maintain unity amidst increasingly heated political competition.

Suripno aggressively socializes Pancasila values ​​on various occasions, including in Pematang Panjang Village, Sungai Tabuk District, Banjar Regency. He emphasized that by understanding and practicing the values ​​of Pancasila, people can exercise their right to vote comfortably and responsibly.

Apart from that, this understanding is also important so that society remains united after the Pilkada is over, contributing to nation building in accordance with the ideals of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence on 17 August 1945.

In the midst of efforts to maintain stability and peace, we cannot ignore the important role of mass media. The media has a big responsibility in providing accurate and balanced information, as well as educating the public about the importance of maintaining harmony and stability during the regional election process. The media must also be wise in presenting news, avoiding provocations that could trigger conflict in society.

To realize a safe and peaceful 2024 regional election, we also need to pay attention to legal aspects. Firm and fair law enforcement must be a priority. Every violation, whether administrative or criminal, must be dealt with quickly and firmly.

This will not only provide a deterrent effect for perpetrators of violations, but also provide a sense of security and confidence to the public that the regional election process is proceeding according to the rules.

Apart from that, political education for the community is also an important key. The public must be given a correct understanding of the democratic process, their rights and obligations as voters, and the importance of voting based on the candidate’s vision, mission and work program, not because of money or pressure.

Good political education will create intelligent and responsible voters, which will ultimately contribute to the creation of quality and dignified regional elections.

No less important is the role of political parties and candidates in maintaining a conducive atmosphere during the regional elections. They must be able to control their supporters, put forward healthy and constructive campaigns, and avoid black campaigns and provocations.

All parties must realize that the main objective of the Pilkada is to elect the best leader for regional progress, not a mere opportunity to seek power.

In this context, we also need to highlight the important role of local communities and community leaders. They have a big influence in shaping people’s opinions and attitudes. Community figures must be role models in voicing messages of peace, inviting the community to participate positively in the regional election process, and encouraging dialogue and deliberation in resolving any existing differences.

Maintaining a conducive situation during the 2024 Pilkada is our shared responsibility. Let us all, from various levels of society, work together and synergize to realize safe, peaceful and dignified regional elections.

In this way, we not only elect the best leaders, but also strengthen the foundations of our democracy for a better future. Let’s make the 2024 Pilkada a momentum to show that the Indonesian nation is a nation that is mature in democracy, able to manage differences wisely, and always prioritizes common interests above all else.

)* The author is a contributor to Ruang Baca Nusantara

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