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The Government is Strongly Committed to Accelerating Development in Papua


By: Yamee Wambrau*)

The government is very strongly committed to continuing to accelerate development in the Land of Papua through various strategies to increase welfare for the people of Bumi Cenderawasih.

Of course, with the success of the efforts to accelerate development that continue to be intensified in Papua, it will definitely have a very positive impact on the progress of the Indonesian nation as well.

Apart from that, the strong commitment in efforts to continue to accelerate the acceleration of development in Papua is also in order to realize the goal of equitable development in all corners of the archipelago from Sabang to Merauke.

Regarding efforts to equalize development, the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian continues to encourage equal distribution of development programs in both villages and cities so that they can run simultaneously.

All regions certainly have their own potential strengths, and if this potential can be managed optimally, it is not impossible to clearly bring benefits in increasing economic welfare for the people, the region and the country.

Without exception, the potential for natural resource wealth (SDA) in the Land of Papua is one of the best and richest in the country. Therefore, with the government’s equal development program, which ensures simultaneous development in both cities and villages, urban and rural areas, this potential will be managed very optimally.

When optimization of regional wealth management in Papua occurs, it will also be able to save this nation from the potential or threat of a world economic recession, which even indiscriminately attacks developed countries such as Japan because they only focus on development in urban areas without paying attention to equitable distribution. simultaneously.

Learning from the facts about neighboring countries, the Government is increasingly realizing that equitable development is very important, so that accelerating development in Papua is a program that cannot be postponed any longer.

Therefore, all regions in Indonesia are very important, including rural areas. Moreover, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) himself also has a vision and mission to be able to develop from the outskirts, which means villages and also border areas so that there is equality and there are new power centers to balance the cities.

Strengthening areas on the outskirts, including Papua, is carried out by the government through regulations, providing budgets, and also recognizing that these areas are not just a community, but part of the government as well.

When there is this recognition, then of course very serious attention is given to peripheral areas, including Papua, because in fact whatever happens on Earth of Cenderawasih will also have a greater or greater impact on the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as an integral unit that cannot be separated.

The President’s Special Staff (Stafsus) Billy Mambrasar held an audience with the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law and Security (Menko Polhukam) Hadi Tjahjanto and both parties have the same strong commitment to continue collaborating in maintaining security and stability in Papua.

The reason is that it cannot be denied that the existence of security stability in Bumi Cenderawasih is one of the very important keys to realizing the acceleration of development and prosperity of the people in Papua.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto stated that the Government’s current approach is very appropriate, namely to continue to protect the Land of Papua and realize accelerated development there, so this clearly must start from improving the quality of the local human resources (HR) of Bumi Cenderawasih.

Meanwhile, West Papua Province Coordinator of the Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN) / National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Zulfakar said that human resource (HR) development in Bumi Cenderawasih really needs the right strategy so that this strategy can support acceleration. development there.

In the context of accelerating the acceleration of development in Papua, especially in the field of education, of course the treatment cannot be equated with the approach taken on the islands of Java or Sumatra.

However, the treatment or approach in Papua requires a very precise strategy so that this approach really has an impact on accelerating the improvement in the quality of human resources for the indigenous Papuan community (OAP).

As one example, for example, if the Government wants to improve the quality of education in Bumi Cenderawasih, the first thing that must be fulfilled is to be able to know in detail what component needs are needed to support improving the quality of education before it will be included in the planning program.

Several important things that need to be noted in the needs component are adequate facilities, class skills, qualified teaching staff and curriculum implementation. All of these things need to be identified and analyzed first.

All the things that have been intensified by the Government so far are clear evidence of the seriousness and very strong commitment of the government to really accelerate development in Papua in order to create equitable development throughout the archipelago.

*) Papuan students live in Jakarta

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